Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Whistleblower Weighs in on QRIS in WA State Daycare

DEL Connect: DEL announces 65 early adopters for QRIS

Once you click on the link above dear parents of Washington State please note the very first name Cindy Perez in Clark County had her licensed revoked on March 9, 2011.

QRIS (Quality Rating and Improvement System). What I witnessed being inside DSHS for over twenty years and as a day care licensor for thirteen years is that after "x" number of children die in daycare and "x" number of children are maimed in daycare; and when too much media attention is focused on the unelected government bureaucracy, then the players in this system make a move.

But, the move results in more agencies, more managers and most certainly more federal and state taxpayer dollars going into the growing, hulking, bulking daycare licensing state agency known now (they also keep changing their name to confuse you, make you think a real reform is happening) as the Department of Early Learning (DEL).

Early childcare education is another cash cow, the reason mover and shakers (as well as being a convicted felon) such as Michael Milken, the junk bond king from the 1980s, is in the game.

I don't know who else on this list of early adopters might have had their license revoked, but the first one has and it's a wake up call to parents to ask for complete public disclosure on any daycare as part of your decision making process. The state has moved into the computer and scanning age so it is much quicker and easier to get that information now and via your email.

Email Mr. Brandon Chapman at:

If you're using or intend to use anyone on this list be sure to ask for public disclosure, use the phrase "provider notes" and "Facility Licensing Compliance Agreements" (issued when there are violations of law and the regulations) and "all complaint history documents".

QRIS is simply another smoke and mirror move rather than the unelected government bureaucracy managers accepting responsibility for the tragedies that happened to children in daycare.  What is required is for all of the managers (and they are many)  pulling it together to do their jobs as the laws passed by the legislature intended that they do. 

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