Friday, August 12, 2011

Stand By Me film star, Corey Feldman: Pedophilia Is Hollywood's Biggest Problem (VIDEO)

Corey Feldman: Pedophilia Is Hollywood's Biggest Problem (VIDEO)

Kudos to child actor, Corey Feldman, of Stand By Me fame for truth telling about sexual violations done to child actors in Hollywood. It's also the story of parents who don't know and/or don't want to know.

One in three girls and one in six boys are sexually used and violated. If we could have the open conversation, shining the spotlight on these actions that rip apart the souls of little ones we could heal. There needs to be a family healing and a community healing.

Laws need to be changed so it incorporates the biggest aspect of sexual violation to children, it is about power and control. The biggest power an adult has over a child is to get that child's love and trust, then destroy it, not by the adult having the orgasm but by forcing the child to have the orgasm. Some of these types of adults will groom a child for five years before ever touching the body parts that fall under the sexual abuse laws.

The families (when it isn't a family member committing the violation) are in some degree as painfully violated in having gone along with that adult's manipulation. Then the parents must dive down into the dark areas of denial to keep their devastation at bay, particularly, if they have gotten some perks and goodies along the way. Which may explain, child actor, Corey Haim's mother's reaction to Corey Feldman speaking out about the violations he and his best friend experienced as child actors.

I teach child abuses classes and the category of child abuse that produces the most emotional reaction in the audience is sexual abuse. That and emotional abuse bring about the biggest emotional reactions from the audience.

It's not our fault as children when adults controlled us and used us. We didn't commit a crime. A crime got committed on us. It is not our shame. The Oregonian newspaper, when Elizabeth Lynn Dunham died at age 49, her life ruined when at age thirteen she went to babysit for former Governor Neal Goldschmidt, then Goldschmidt sexually and emotionally used her for years; the Oregonian did not print her name in writing their story about her death. The Willamette Week did. Goldschmidt was a powerful politician. Dunham's mom didn't speak up and still hasn't that I am aware of from reading the stories.

What does my article have to do with day care, you might ask? Sexual abuse is happening in day care as well. There was a time when I was a licensor that if children were sexually violated at a day care, the day care for obvious reasons would have their licenses revoked. In the more recent history I am aware of day cares whose licenses were not revoked; and were allowed to continue, putting more children at risk.

The most recent statistics show that out of the pot of caught, identified and convicted sex offenders, the biggest number are for fourteen year old males. Out of the teenage girl pot of caught, identified and convicted sex offenders...70% of them committed their crimes while babysitting children.

For parents out there, I recommend Googling Marilyn Van Derbur, the 1958 Miss America and getting her 2004 memoir entitled Miss America by Day as well as her DVD where she tells her story. Marilyn is a motivational speaker by profession and since the 1990s Marilyn has devoted her life to helping folks who were so violated as children.

Marilyn's father was very wealthy and powerful, like in Hollywood and like in the political world.

Here's a link to Marilyn Van Debur's website:

A big thank you to Corey Feldman for speaking up. No wonder Corey's performance in Stand By Me was so came from a very real place. 

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