Friday, April 3, 2015

How do Child Day Care Staff Evaluate Margo Logan's Teaching on Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse?

In uncluttering and organizing my paperwork I ran across comments made by class participants in the class I teach (for the last seven years) on recognizing and reporting child abuse; and thought my reading public might be interested to know what child day care staff think of me in the way and in the manner I gift my knowledge and expertise to them; how I respect them.  I've been uplifted by the many great hearted people I have met through teaching my class. They show me folks are hungry and thirsty for truth telling and are gratified to learn that their intuition and knowledge is high class. 

When I worked inside DSHS the managers told us that day care providers were dumb so dumb we really needed to have materials written at a fourth grade level for them.  I've met many educated, well read folks coming through my class.  In fact every class we each share a recommendation for a book or a film for each other to perhaps read or see.  There, indeed, are many high class individuals who come through my class.

Comments from Margo Logan’s evaluation cards in teaching
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse from 2010 – 2011, then some from 2015

1.      “Margo was incredibly knowledgeable and had refreshing and solid perspective on preventing child abuse.”
2.      “Good info! Personal stories were effective.”
3.      “I was grateful for the instructor’s accurate information and experience; the content was very interesting and helpful.”
4.      “She was very knowledgeable and made the course interesting and kept everyone’s attention.”
5.      “I thought Margo was very knowledgeable on the subject matter. Her experience is applied and communicated in a very helpful and informative manner. I feel very fortunate to have had this opportunity to meet and learn from such a compassionate and committed individual. Thanks for all your hard work Margo.”
6.      “Very easy to listen to, kept my attention. Real stories she told were helpful and interesting.”
7.      “This is the first abuse class I have ever attended. It was very helpful for me to know how to handle these situations the right way.  Thank you.”
8.      “Great training course; good use of materials and recommendations such as tools and reading materials.”
9.      “Informational and well led.”
10.  “I was very impressed with the knowledge and experience (especially experience) of the instructor.”
11.  “I’m from Japan. We don’t have lots of opportunity to get “don’t tell, don’t ask” kind of issue or information in the small community except big city. I’m really glad to join this class. Class is worth more than $10.00.”
12.  “The stories were very helpful; experience rather than memorizing.”
13.  “Very great, interesting and engaging.”
14.  “Great discussions.”
15.  “Excellent presentation.”
16.  “Love Margo as an instructor.”
17.  “Instructor was well organized and informed.”
18.  “I think the class was very educational and kept my attention well.”
19.  “Great class, amazing stories, more stories needed.”
20.  “Opened my eyes! Very helpful!”
21.  “Very informative. It made me think about how every interaction good or bad with a child can have life long effects.”
22.  “I was quite ignorant before, sobering. Very good to know.”
23.  “I am glad I got the list of books and movies. Thanks!”
24.  “Really informational, makes you think.”
25.  “I learned a lot and now know what I should look for, different scenarios and how I should treat those scenarios.”
26.  “Margo was very informative. She seems to have done her own research which always brings me to a level of confidence and the desire to educate.”
27.  “Very informative even learned something new; statistics, etc.”
28.  “I have been inspired to do more advocate work for abused children. Very informative.  Thank you!”
29.  “You are so good and help me so much. Thanks!”
30.  “A very excellent and clear instructor by Margo’s many years of experience. I am happy to see her, the instructor again…every retaking my classes.”
31.  “Enjoyed Margot!”
32.  “Wonderful class, great lady.”
33.  “Interesting class, stories make it fun!”
34.  “Margo was super pleasant and informative without pushing an agenda. Thank you for not making this totally miserable!”
35.  “Thank you. This is a difficult topic and you did a good job!”
36.  “The instructor was knowledgeable, kind and passionate; very supportive and very insightful.”
37.  “Margo was interesting, relevant and concise as great as this course can be!”
38.  “I was really interested in everything Margo said.  Thank you.”
39.  “A good class dealing with a difficult subject matter is always hard, but the instructor made it easier to handle by keeping things interesting and not too harsh.”
40.  “Lots of good stories, relevant and heartfelt.”
41.  “Great class, lots of good information on reporting and observing child abuse.”
42.  “Very informative and kept our interest.”
43.  “Very well taught. Keep on Keepin’ on!”
44.  “The class was very informative and Margo made sure we felt comfortable with an uncomfortable subject.”
45.  “It was a great course!”
46.  “Would love to take your reading/writing history origins course!”
47.  “Well prepared.”
48.  “Kept my interest. Never bored. Well done.”
49.  “Margo did an awesome job teaching this class! I was engaged and she shared many personal stories which were very impactful. The location was a little hard to find. Overall it was a great class!”
50.  “Comfortable, easy to engage in dialogue; activities to break up sitting and listening, thank you.”
51.  “Margo was great. I love her attitude towards helping children; her ability to go above and beyond.
52.  “This class was amazingly eye opening. I never knew most of the information given.”
53.  “I found this course extremely valuable. Thank you.”

Revocations in Licensed Child Day Care in Washington State Up date Soon to Come

A public disclosure request I made today for revocation action taken by the State of Washington from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2014 will up date my revocations page here on my blog.  I see that page has gotten the most page views of all my blog entries.

Check back; and as soon as the Department of Early Learning sends me that list I'll update the information for parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, godparents, etc; all who seek to protect children.

Happy Easter.

Dead Babies in Day Care: like Bonnie Tyler We're "Holding Out for a Hero" this month in the Washington State Senate

April 2, 2015: with SHB 1126 in the Washington State legislature in regard to the so-called "child fatality review" bill and wondering what might get through to the legislature to understand it is only a bill to protect failed DSHS and DEL managers I sent the email based on my experience, my expertise and expert opinion below with a link to Bonnnie Tyler's song, "Holding Out for a Hero":

Subject: Bonnie Tyler, babies, kids and I are "Holding Out for a Hero" well, for a majority of heroes in the Senate to kill the bill in committee or to vote no on SHB 1126 - babies dying in day care, a bill to protect failed managers in the future

Dear Senators,
Those who know and don't know me I survived working inside DSHS and DEL for over 20 years as well as when I was getting my masters in social work administration I did an internship which introduced me to the workings of the state senate where on my first visit I witnessed Senator Talmadge ranting and raving at the CPS administrators lying, I mean testifying that day.  The senator accused them of lying and I thought, "Well, he's right."   I'd recently at that time confronted my supervisor for going into the computer and closing out some of my cases that I was still waiting for documents on those cases.  He closed them out to make his statistics look good, the statistics the senate and house would see.  The facade, the charade, the smoke and mirrors.
So we're "Holding out for a Hero" on this one, lots of heroes to vote no on SHB 1126.  Please.
When you guys pulled day care licensing out of DSHS in 2006 I was there at a senate meeting where one of the senators was begging the first director Jone Bosworth to say, to promise that this change meant no connection any longer to the DSHS Behemoth. The senate basically asked her to "pinky swear" that the talons and fangs of DSHS were no longer in at least the babies and children whose parents must go to work to keep the economy humming along and the tax money pouring.  
Jone, who used to work for the Foreign Service, the state department, Bosworth lied and pinky swore DEL and DSHS no connection, no longer.  DSHS is still connected through the worst things that can happen to children in day care; and now none of that information is put on DEL's website.  Just how many providers are operating with a "founded" CPS incident?  How many?  Find that out, dig that our of DEL's cold dead hands.   We don't know and Child Care Beware, I mean, Child Care Aware doesn't know either and absolutely parents don't and  won't know except maybe unless their baby dies, they hire a law firm and the media does a story. 
As I was on my yoga mat this morning pondering all this history it struck me that Congress with their "hearings", their rantings, ravings, pathetic beseeching, anger, thundering at BIG banks, BIG tobacco, BIG Pharma that they are as helpless and powerless as parents and citizens feel in facing BIG day care.  They don't even know about Michael Milkin, convicted felon from the S & L Scandal days, and Army Generals to begin to even analyze the "failures" happening in day care, not just in our great state but across the nation.   As a national expert/analyst I've seen the records and depositions; it is across the nation (oh and in Canada as well).  
The same for the state of Washington.  One year you guys in the senat gave it a big go, you actually had heard about the domestic violence done inside DSHS; done to the line workers by their managers. Talk about your sound and fury.  You had a special hearing to have line workers tell you the truth.  Funny, my supervisor never let me know the hearing was happening, didn't invite me "to tell" or I would have been there.  Thanks to Denny Heck and his creation of TVW I happened to be in Yakima visiting a political friend and saw the hearing on TV.
Ah, who did my supervisor choose?  Solid union folks (you know there is a reason supervisors get to be in the union don't you?) to tell you everything was hunky dory.  We had a training by the Washington State Patrol once on "violence in the workplace" ostensibly it was to deal with our clients who might want to do violence to us social workers.  I, of course, asked (with three supervisors in the room) "What about violence of managers to their employees?"  The Washington State Patrol Officer didn't miss a beat and acknowledged it was happening all over the great state of Washington in DSHS and to not report to your union but to call 911.
So dear senators, you who I've been watching for almost 25 years for those of you who do feel powerless and helpless watch Bonnie Tyler sing "Holding Out of a Hero" and grow a backbone, some balls or some ovaries and face these bureaucratic managers down.  Like cockroaches they will scurry away when the light gets shined on them brightly.  
And it's not just senators and representatives its also the Fourth Estate, the media who has been solely lacking in their "investigative" reporting as what happened with Channel 13 last year.  It was more collusion and how do we make the media look good.  Everyone's trying to "look" good, like we have shameful family secrets to hide. Let the light shine, you and we, we will all feel better.

So where are all the good and brave investigative reporters in Washington State?  Yes, and I do have the emails from 2005 where DSHS was "crafting" how to "control", spin the media to their way.  We're holding out for a hero in the media as well.  The media has been as powerless as you and the parents whose children were abused, injured, maimed and died in day care.
The laws are all ready there to hold them accountable, use those laws and please stop making laws to protect these failed individuals who are causing harm and sometimes death to our babies and children.
What is really sad as well is we only sometimes get to talk about the dead ones.  We haven't even touched upon the ones in day care who were horribly traumatized, bullied and denigrated by licensed providers. You haven't seen some of these providers in enraged fury destroy the souls of little ones in their care.   Children can't do well in school if their little souls have been twisted and decimated by being in environments that have hurt them terribly.
Don't even bring this bill to the floor for a vote.  Don't let your name be in the column that says "yes" you voted for this bill. 
Come on senators especially Jim Hargrove, turn up the speakers on your laptops and let Bonnie belt it out and move you to hero status.
Please don't let the bill come to the floor or if it does please vote no.
I don't know who needs to finally pull the scandal that is day care licensing out of the shadows.  At this juncture of my latest attempts and doings it is to at least attempt to warn parents; maybe 60 Minutes, 48 Hours, NPR, Democracy Now, how do we get to a larger audience to tell parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles and friends the Russian Roulette being played by the administrators and the director of DEL and their failure of duty to license day care within the laws that are all ready on the books?
Where is the governor in all this?  Jay and I go way back to Yakima and his first campaign.  I pounded yard signs into front lawns for Jay.   There's only one degree of separation between him and Bette.  Bette Hyde.  Don't let her hide behind this bill. 
If you like the cowboy version of "Holding out for a Hero", here's Bonnie Tyler's original below.
Holding Out for a Hero,
Margo Logan

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Child Day Care Deaths - Unelected Managers - Protected from Accountability and Liability

Below is the email testimony I sent to the Washington State Senate committee regarding HB 1126 the so-called "Child Fatality Review" bill for the March 16, 2015 public hearing.  After getting a number of public records as well as a few phone conversations, in my opinion as a 30 year investigator, expert witness and analyst, I uncovered and discovered the answer to my question about this bill, why now? Why this bill? For what reason? For whose benefit?

It is, in my review and opinion, not for the benefit of the child or the parent. 

Rep. Elizabeth Scott submitted a number of amendments which would have switched the bill to benefit the child, parents and grandparents but the chair of the House committee, Rep. Kagi objected to them.  We appreciate Rep. Scott for her integrity and courage to take right action that is in line with the Washington State Constitution, the existing child day care licensing laws and Public Records Act.

Subject: Margo Logan's testimony for the record re: SHB 1126 Child Fatality Review Bill Senate committee Hearing 3/16/15
From: Margo Logan (
To: steve.o';;;;;
Date: Sunday, March 15, 2015 9:26 PM

By Margo Logan
National Expert Witness/Analyst Regarding Child Day Care
Please enter my Testimony as follows into the March 16, 2015 Human Services, Mental Health & Housing Senate Committee Hearing
What Lies Beneath the Real Intent of HB 1126 Child Death Review Bill?
On behalf of parents whose children died as well as the little ones themselves who died in licensed child day care I submit my written testimony to the senators of the Washington State legislature’s March 16, 2015 Human Services, Mental Health and Housing committee hearing.
I request the Senate kill HB1126 bill as they did in 2014 OR upon acceptance of ALL of Rep. Elizabeth Scott’s amendments (those withdrawn, failed and passed) revise and pass what is now called substitute ELHS 15 since it left the House. 
No law EVER was required in order for DEL to perform their duty under law to audit, review, investigate, inspect, interview, analyze, get feedback, get testimony, review the  performance of the agency; review RCW & WAC, reach out to outside experts to answer the question, “How come this child died in a day care we licensed?”
Under RCW 42.52.010 the definition of “public officer” includes (Bolding is mine): “(19) "State officer" means every person holding a position of public trust in or under an executive, legislative, or judicial office of the state. "State officer" includes judges of the superior court, judges of the court of appeals, justices of the supreme court, members of the legislature together with the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house of representatives, holders of elective offices in the executive branch of state government, chief executive officers of state agencies, members of boards, commissions, or committees with authority over one or more state agencies or institutions, and employees of the state who are engaged in supervisory, policy-making, or policy-enforcing work. For the purposes of this chapter, "state officer" also includes any person exercising or undertaking to exercise the powers or functions of a state officer.”
The Department of Early Learning is under the Governor’s Office. Director Bette Hyde reports directly to Governor Jay Inslee.
There is a law that the management of the agency must be evaluated for performance based on efficiency, effectiveness and economy.  A child’s death calls for an immediate and emergency evaluation of the agency’s performance to prevent the next deaths from occurring.

42.20.100 - Failure of duty by public officer a misdemeanor.”

“Whenever any duty is enjoined by law upon any public officer or other person holding any public trust or employment, their wilful neglect to perform such duty, except where otherwise specially provided for, shall be a misdemeanor.”
No law has ever been required since the inception of day care licensing in the state of Washington that denied a child protection and child abuse prevention agency to not investigate to answer the question, “How come this baby died in a day care we licensed?”
A violation of law needing to be addressed is why the director of DEL, Bette Hyde, a public officer, did not do so in 2013?  Or did she? Kyle Smith of DSHS child death reviews told me over the phone one was done on Eve’s death.  Then shortly after our phone conversation, I got an email that said one was not done by DSHS; that since 2011 DSHS has done no day care death reviews because the law had changed.
However I found a child death review done by DSHS on a day care in 2011, one that had no recommendations for DEL even though DSHS had clear evidence in the record of poor sleep practices having been observed at that day care by DEL where later a baby died.
I have made repeated requests for the child death review done on Eve’s death including my most recent one a few days ago.  Last night I received an email from director Bette Hyde forwarding my request onto her public disclosure coordinator which tells me a death review had been done regarding Eve Uphold otherwise her email would have just advised me no death review existed.  Why is the director of DEL hiding Eve’s death review? And if no review, why not? Director Hyde did not show up in 2014 nor in 2015 to testify about this bill.
In a separate request I received recently in the mail, it includes an email from DSHS administrator Nancy Heath dated January 14, 2015 to Paul Smith (who heads up the DSHS child death reviews that occurred in day care) for him to track HB 1126.  In it she writes “I think HB 1126 is identical to HB 2165 from last year but didn’t do a line by line comparison. It is not request legislation from DEL. Maybe Kagi thought it was such a good idea she decided to run it again.”
Thus DEL never asked for this legislation even though DEL administrator Amy Blondin testified last year to the senate committee DEL wanted this bill to “…essentially make sure we’re not building a case against ourselves…  DSHS in 2015 still does death reviews on day care children.
Rep. Kagi said no law allowed DEL to investigate or review deaths in child day care thus she dropped this bill.  Rep. Kagi stated at the 2015 public hearing regarding that there had been no opposition to this bill last year in 2014. There was significant opposition last year including from three parents whose babies had died in licensed family home child day care in Washington State. Rep. Kagi made a false statement:
RCW 42.20.040: Every public officer who shall knowingly make any false or misleading statement in any official report or statement, under circumstances not otherwise prohibited by law, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.”
DSHS has been doing those death reviews since at least the early 1990s and in 2001 when Graham died in the same day care where Eve died in 2013 DSHS did that death review then visited the day care licensing offices to share that review and left them photographs of the death scene.  Day care licensing did not do their investigation of violations of licensing laws nor was enforcement action taken.
Then recently I was told by DSHS that DSHS changed the law in 2011 so as to not have to review day care deaths of children.
However, I just received public records in the mail, Friday, March 13, 2015 which shows no intent by DSHS in 2011 to drop child day care death reviews; the change in 2011 was to be able to get autopsy reports because some DSHS office’s reportedly were having trouble getting them.
Getting autopsy reports is easy to do; all DSHS had to do in conducting their reviews of a child’s death would have been to ask the family for their copy.  The parents of the dead children have the right to a copy of the autopsy. Why wasn’t DSHS doing that?
Nevertheless in the documents released to me is there not one iota of evidence in the public record that DSHS wanted the bill in 2011 to stop reviewing the deaths of children in licensed day care.  DSHS just wanted autopsy reports.
What the heck happened in my great state of Washington?  
Why are we the people getting buried under an avalanche of laws, of RCWs then a plethora of subsections of RCWs around ostensibly the protection of the children, the prevention of maltreatment of children, the health, safety and well-being of children being “paramount” under the care of DSHS and/or DEL day care licensing within the state of Washington?
In the 2011 revision to the law regarding child death reviews DSHS conducts the “Bill Analysis” information is germane and exposes the real intent of these laws (including OFCO):
  • “Fatality and near fatality reviews cannot be entered as evidence or used in civil and administrative hearings.”
  • “Documents created for the near fatality and fatality reviews or created by the review teams are not admissible in civil and administrative hearings.”
  • “Fatality review team members, including department employees, may not be examined in civil or administrative hearings regarding their participation in the near fatality and fatality reviews.”
  • “SHB 1105 clarifies that the fatality review report, rather than the review, is subject to public disclosure.”
  • “SHB 1105 adds information from autopsy and post mortem reports are confidential and may be redacted by the department from the child fatality review report.”
I parsed through the 2015 “Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1126” as a public hearing is scheduled for March 16, 2015 in the senate.  What do I find? Is the bill written for we the people to understand?  Is it written for clarity and easy understanding by parents and grandparents?  Is it written to reduce deaths in day care in the future?  
Upon review and analysis of copies of the documents I now have, my opinion as a national expert witness/analyst regarding licensed child day care is no.
The bill is four pages long contained within 136 numbered lines. Only 23 lines are devoted to how a child death review is to be conducted. The other 113 lines relate directly or indirectly as to how information gathered through documents and interviews will be kept from we the people, from parents, from grandparents whether through a public disclosure request, a civil action or an administrative hearing unless of course DEL wants to use the material themselves in an administrative hearing. Then DEL can use any of it.
Within the bill 76 subsections of laws are cited without clarifying information as to what is within those 76 subsections of laws. How is the citizen of Washington State to read this bill without commencing a “Find Waldo” effort to parse through this bill to figure out its real intent?
As an expert and as having been an investigator for twenty years plus inside DSHS with thirteen years inside day care licensing as an investigator then eight years as a national investigator/expert witness/analyst I found Waldo. 
The intent of the law in my expert opinion is to protect unelected government managers from accountability and liability in their failure of duty to protect children in licensed child day care in the State of Washington.
This perversion, this distortion against protecting the health of the public, this perversion, this distortion of the role of government in protecting babies and children goes back to when either OFCO or DSHS first came up with the idea of covering up government mistakes around the deaths of children by burying public records in their files that the common citizen cannot see, that the civil courts cannot see, that administrative hearing courts cannot see, that judges cannot see.
It boggles the mind that we have a system wherein judges themselves are denied the rightful, responsible and judicial action to review and have oversight of the workings of the unelected state government bureaucracy.
It further boggles the mind because our state constitution gives us, we the people oversight over this government thus the reason we have such a strong public records disclosure law; and that we hold our unelected government liable when the unelected public servants subvert and violate our laws.
This bill which is patterned after OFCO and DSHS machinations sublimates and undermines the intent of our constitution that it is we, the people who have this constitutional right of oversight. This bill as DEL administrator Amy Blondin testified in 2014 to the senate it is a cover up bill to “…essentially make sure we’re not building a case against ourselves….”
That cover up was all ready there through the DSHS review process except a 2010 DSHS death review DSHS criticized DEL for their lack of confidence in conducting investigations as well as DEL’s lack of training DEL staff on safe sleep practices when Rep. Kagi floated out this bill last year after little Eve died.  
As DSHS administrator Nancy Heath wrote DEL did not make this request for legislation so why did Rep. Kagi write and sponsor this bill?
From my review this is my analysis and opinion on what played out. Little tiny four months old baby Eve died in Rep. Kagi’s district.  Eve’s mommy and daddy filed a lawsuit and thus it got discovered that little tiny six months old Graham Hazzard died in the same day care in 2001; in Ruth Kagi’s district. The media got hold of the story and contacted Rep. Ruth Kagi. 
The parents want justice, remediation; some action that another baby won’t die in a similar way so that their baby’s death wasn’t in vain so Graham’s death in the same day care was not in vain. Instead of remediation and redemption Ruth Kagi came up with this bill and named it the Eve Uphold bill.
DSHS didn’t want this bill.  OFCO didn’t want this bill.  DEL didn’t want this bill.  Ruth Kagi wanted this bill. 
My review and analysis, my expert opinion from the documents sent to me so far by the government is Rep. Kagi was backed into a corner by the parents (unknowingly, acting in good faith with trust that their representative was there to help them), by the legal system, by the media and this is what Rep. Kagi chose to do in an attempt to make herself look good. Rep. Kagi wasn’t even protecting DEL. DEL didn’t ask for this bill.  Rep. Kagi was protecting herself.
Rep. Elizabeth Scott introduced amendments to this bill, HB 1126, (which Rep. Kagi objected to) to tweak the bill in what would have resulted in justice and meaning behind Eve and Graham’s short lives on this planet and would have had the “EFFECT” of:
  • “Removes the limitations on introducing information collected during child fatality reviews in civil or administrative proceedings.”
  • “Requires the Department of Early Learning to terminate a department employee responsible for licensing child care centers and homes or early learning programs if that employee is found to have failed to fulfill their duties and a child fatality occurs as a result of that failure.”
  • “Requires the Department of Early Learning to revoke a license if a child care provider is found to have violated applicable laws or rules and a child fatality occurs as a result of this violation.” 
  • “Requires the child fatality review to be open to the public and subject to the Public Records Act and the Open Public Meetings Act.”
  • “Adds an additional purpose of the fatality review to ensure the Department of Early Learning is held accountable for child safety violations.”
These amendments did not go forward in the full House passing the bill on March 4, 2015 with 86 voting yes and eleven voting no.
In summary I request the Senate kill HB1126 bill as they did in 2014 OR upon acceptance of ALL of Rep. Elizabeth Scott’s amendments (those withdrawn, failed and passed) revise and pass what is now called substitute ELHS 15 since it left the House.
The bill revised per Rep. Scott’s amendments would reflect the Washington State Constitution and the will of we the people to get public records; and to have oversight over our unelected government public officers and government servants in Washington State. 
Thank you for your time and consideration in reviewing this information, my analysis and expert opinion.  Please enter my testimony into the 2015 Washington State Legislative record.
Margo Logan, MSW
Child Care Consulting, L.L.C.
 PS:  See attachment for supporting documents.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

"Child Fatality Reviews" are no more than "Child Death Review Coverups" in Washington State

DEL (Department of Early Learning) child day care licensing managers, under the Governor's Office since 2006 does not do oversight and enforcement per their duty and under the laws of the State of Washington.  It's hard for a child to learn when the child is maimed or dead.

Instead of upper managers following the laws DEL managers manipulate not only parents and grandparents who want their children safe as well as the public at large; DEL attempts to manipulate the public through their representatives and senators in the state capitol in Olympia. Washington. If the legislature passes a law DEL decides whether they "want" to comply or not.

At least one key player in the House in particular has gone along with protecting the DEL managers and that is Representative Ruth Kagi.

As an investigator, analyst and expert witness on Washington State's Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and the Department of Early Learning (DEL) this is my review and opinion of what played out since six month old Graham Hazzard's death in 2001 and then four month old Eve Uphold's death in 2013.

Children die. Parents make a noise. The parents ask law firms to help them. The media responds. The legislature responds. The bureaucratic managers lie.  The outcome?  More protection for the unelected bureaucratic managers in the system is the outcome.  More secrets get buried so parents won't know the real histories on child day cares.

In 1911 the father of scientific management, Fredrick Winslow Taylor wrote: "In the past the man has been first, in the future the system must come first..."

Over one hundred years of the system building and building and building with its confusing jargon, its mind numbing procedures, sleight of hand by adding to all ready existing laws little subsections to the law to undermine the intent of the laws, bills to undermine we, the people's children and their families.

Maybe critical mass moment is building to where we go back to we, the people have oversight over their government? As more and more parents and grandparents understand the machinations of the government agency they are more in a position to protect the children the unelected government will not protect.

Four month old Eve Uphold died in the same day care in 2013 where six month old Graham Hazzard died in 2001. Eve's parents attempted to get justice through the legal system, the media popped in then DEL director Bette Hyde and Representative Kagi whose district the day care resided in saw the opportunity to use Eve's death to do, in my opinion, two things.

Rep. Kagi needed to look good, kind, responsive and protective to a constituent in  her district thus the the bill got floated out in the 2014 session and when it failed to pass put it into the 2015 legislative session. It would look like DEL now could take a look at these deaths and figure out why children die in day care. 

DEL upper managers and Rep. Kagi told the public and their fellow legislators last year they just figured out that DEL cannot review their agency's performance around dead children without a "law" telling them to do so.  A falsehood longer than the length of Pinocchio's nose.

DEL under the governor's office for nine years JUST realized last year after Eve died they "couldn't" review deaths in licensed child day care in the state of Washington?

It doesn't pass the logic and intuition test of we the people.

It doesn't pass the Pinocchio smell test.  DSHS and DEL both have very very long noses.

Last year the bill was killed in the senate after the senate committee concerned about children's health and safety heard testimony.  I testified the bill at its core was a way to cover up managers' failure of duty that led to harm to children in licensed day care.

After my testimony, Amy Blondin from DEL testified.  A senator asked Ms Blondin about my "cover up" testimony.  What was that? Under pressure Amy blurted out the truth. Amy said that DEL "essentially" didn't want to be in the position of "building a case against ourselves".  In other words, "cover up".

Contacted in 2014 when the bill first got floated out by Channel 13 Fox TV reporter, Dana Rebik, I gave her an hour taped interview. I gave Dana copies from my files to show the documentation I had and my opinion the bill was only to protect managers in the future when the next child dies.

I could tell immediately, Amy didn't like my analysis. My take is she or her producer all ready had decided the happy ending to this tragic story would be and that was on the order of ..."child fatality review bill passes, now children will be protected."  Fox TV would look like a hero.

Channel 13 never allowed my expert testimony at the hearing as well as OFCO (office of family and children ombudsman) director Mary Meinig's expert testimony to the House to get to we the people, on the air waves owned by we the people.

When I heard Mary Meinig's testimony that day she said probably a significant number of so-called SIDS deaths were not SIDS but "gentle suffocation" due to unsafe sleep practices I told my colleagues sitting next to me Mary would be gone shortly as director of OFCO.  This year Mary is no longer the director.

The Four Estate abdicated their duty to we the people as well seemingly to carefully only use only the information state government managers (and Kagi) wanted; that's my take unless corporate media can tell us why and how they ignored pertinent records, documentation and testimony.

My thirteen years as a day care licensor and my seven years as a national expert on child day care safety laws; my knowledge and expertise, parents weren't allowed to hear, to consider, parents weren't allowed to know there was more information out there they could consider about why children die in day care; to give them information in their decision making around using day care.

Why the media goes along with the unelected government's agenda is a whole other report I will make at another time.

In the middle of this story the day care where the reporter's children were cared for was suspended then Dana, the reporter, became the powerless parent who could not get information from DEL as to why it was suspended and if anything happened to her children or if her children saw anything. I told her if DEL wasn't talking to her it was probably a sexual abuse allegation.  I got the documents and yes that is what it was.

I talked to Jonathan Martin, a Seattle Times columnist for an hour on the phone last year. He'd also had children in day care and had seen things. I felt bad; I depressed him more with my information. He wrote a fairly good column about the day care situation.  Then the Seattle Times allowed DEL director Hyde to rebut.  I wrote a rebuttal to her op-ed piece and the Seattle Times told me they wouldn't print my rebuttal.  I knew then DEL and Rep. Kagi would float that bill out again this 2015 legislative session.  Bette Hyde prefer to be called Dr. Hyde.

Makes me think of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde a nightmare scenario that has happened to other parents whose children died in day care.  One of the providers who murdered a child and went to prison for it, the ex-provider wrote a letter to day care licensing telling the department they must look at the emotional stability of applicants before giving them a license that a law needed to be passed about that because in the privacy of these family homes, the isolation itself, there needs to be a thorough investigation of the applicant's stability or don't give them a license. What the ex-provider, now prisoner didn't realize was we had and have such a law, the unelected government managers disregard that law.  Ask Rep. Ross Hunter he saw the documents for himself in 2005.

I made a public disclosure request for Amy Blondin and Robert McClellan emails. I made a request to know how much the taxpayer was paying them for their salaries, just salaries not all of the benefits as well. Bob was Amy's boss. Bob's salary was over $100,000.00 a year and Amy's was close to that.

When I got the emails it showed them laughing at my request to know how much taxpayer money they made. Bob joked to Amy that he was just glad to see that he made more than her.  In another email Bob asked Amy if she was busy.  She said, "Nah, I'm bored."

Bored and raking in taxpayer money and benefits; it is the life of an upper unelected bureaucratic manager in our state government.

Dana Rebik did another story on day care and it was getting closer to the truth which I thought was good, but still not utilizing the documents I gave her.  The very next day she told her viewing audience that it was her last day with the station.  She was gone.

This year the "Child Fatality Review" bill was floated out again.  Who is gone from DEL this year?  Amy Blondin and Robert McClellan are gone, Amy and Bob gone.  I watched Rep. Kagi on TVW and saw and heard her lie to we, the people and to her committee members when in response to a question she told them and the public there had been no opposition to the bill last year.  She sort of threw off a comment and a non-verbal like the Senate just hadn't voted on the bill last year like they messed up, "skipped it".

Why are Rep. Kagi and DEL continuing to try to get this bill passed?  I'm getting the runaround from the House Counsel Andrew Logerwell who is protecting Rep. Kagi and not releasing her emails, the we, the people emails from her taxpayer paid for computer related to child deaths in day care.

House lawyer, Logerwell, is telling the public Rep. Kagi who is paid to work as a citizen legislature on behalf of the citizens who under the Washington State Constitution do not give up their sovereignty and oversight on our government, that citizens don't have a right to know how and what manner Rep. Kagi does her job that Kagi job is secret; and the public doesn't get to know what comes through her state computer.  It’s a secret. 

DSHS public disclosure co-coordinator, Kristal Wiitala and DEL public disclosure Wendy Bennet are also giving me the runaround and not complying with the Public Records Act.  I let them know I am gathering records and documents for the senators and representatives who need them as they are considering this bill, so please be prompt.

DEL, DSHS and Rep. Kagi don't care if the records are for the citizen legislature or the public if it might expose the truth to the public so they don't comply with the law.

While attorney Andrew Logerwell and Rep. Kagi continue to hide records related to this bill there are other records I obtained that tell the story. From the records I found on line and an email from Paul Smith who is the bureaucratic manager, managing the DSHS child fatality reviews I got a lead.

In 2011 "someone" or "somebodies" got the DSHS child fatality review bill revised.  It is now written in such a way that DSHS reads it that they CAN'T do fatality reviews anymore on children who die in day care.  At least that's their interpretation.

Why?  I made a public disclosure request to OFCO to gather that behind the scenes history. They are dragging their feet as well. If you read the various unelected government managers' responses to a public disclosure request they don't want you to have their "dragging their feet" communication about "locating" records that will take "90 days", you'd think they were going on Safari to Africa to find "Mr. Livingston" rather than go to the "search" feature on their email accounts, type in the keywords and hit "enter".  A thirty second endeavor, but for them it takes "90" days.  30 seconds in real time they turn into 90 days if they don't want you to have the records.

Here's the why, in my expert opinion, why this "child fatality" bill came about in 2014.
DSHS did a fatality review on a death in day care in 2010. DSHS exposed DEL's poor functioning as an agency.  DSHS noted in their report that basically day care licensors were all freaked out about the "investigating" piece of their jobs when a child dies in a day care home.  DSHS made recommendations about that as well as suggesting DEL train its licensors on safe sleep practices for babies.

Why were licensors freaking out about conducting "investigations"?   I found that in my records this weekend.  In late 2007 going into 2008 a husband of a provider got angry when DEL observed violations of licensing regulations.  I have all the emails. The husband confronted DEL.

DEL’s response reminded me of R2D2 whirling around with its lights blinking and beeping away wildly.  "Investigation"?  "Inspection"?  "Interviewing"?  "What do we call it?"  “Lions, tigers and bears, oh my!”

From the emails you see upper DEL managers madly search through their dictionaries to figure out, "what can DEL do?"  “What do we call it, what we do?”  It's panic city from reading the emails.  The Keystone Cops on parade.  It was like (I'm capturing the energy coming off the page of these emails) "quick take the word investigation out of all our documents, do it now!"

That's 2008.  Since I worked as a licensor for thirteen years my take on what happened down the river is the licensors felt the upper managers panic and licensors all started whirling around like a bunch of R2D2s.  "What we are supposed to do?!!"   The entire mission tools of day care licensing just got changed?"  "What do you mean use the word "inspection"?"

The licensors don't get the fine details as to what played out with the wildly spinning around R2D2 upper managers and the angry husband.   The managers mush around trying to explain that we do "inspections" not "investigations".   Most licensors don't know the upper managers had just been taken to the woodshed by an angry husband so are confused as to what the panic is but they feel it.

What is the result?  Less oversight which has continued from the 2001 era to the present in that poor investigations and sometimes non-existent investigations by the day care licensing agency has always done whether you call the agency DSHS or DEL.  In 2000 we got topnotch national state of the art investigation training, the best training I ever got in DSHS (it was through a lawsuit settlement I was told); everyone in DSHS who had the job description of social worker 3 (which licensors and supervisors were).

The upper managers quickly changed that excellent training to retraining everyone into being bad investigators.  It was something to see. The upper managers immediately dropped off the first step in doing proper investigations.  And as they say it was all down hill from there.

Then in early 2011 as the new DSHS revision to "their" "child fatality review" law was making its way to victory in the House and Senate what happened?  There was another day care death.  What was the DSHS review on this day care death?

Nothing, no recommendations even with the information that there were prior problems in the day care of the provider sleeping infants in car seats (the slumping over is an unsafe sleep position, the reason providers are not allowed to sleep infants that way, we called it "container care").
Thus from 2011 to 2013 DEL upper managers went (again my take on their feelings from having been a 13 year witness on the inside watching them) "whew, no more worries that DSHS child fatality review teams will be criticizing us and telling us what to do!"  "Don't you dare tell us how to do our jobs DSHS!"

DEL in 2011 made no move in to take over those "death reviews".  You'd think Rep. Kagi would have noticed that there would be no reviews on day care deaths as that bill came through the committee she chairs.  Right?  So why in 2014 did Rep. Kagi drop this bill?

Four month old Eve Uphold died in 2013. The parents took legal action.  The media was contacted.  They found out six month old Graham Hazzard died in the same day care as Eve in 2001.  I think the day care was in Rep. Kagi's district so the media contacted Kagi.

Now DEL found itself in no man's land. DEL just wanted DSHS off their backs.  "Hey, don't criticize us."  Now if the law had stayed the same DSHS would have reviewed Eve's death. And they would have found their review of Graham's death in 2001.  The spotlight would have been burning into the functioning of day care licensing now under governor's watch for the last eight years.

DSHS and DEL do not "need" a law to investigate the performance of their agencies. These fatality review laws are a scam and a scheme to hide the failures of duty by these upper managers on down the taxpayer feeding chain that is the unelected state bureaucracy.

And voila in 2014 we had the DEL child fatality review bill pop up in the House.  The important piece to this legislation is, of course, the parents or anyone who has information that DEL violated the law would never get to talk to a "death" committee.  Mail anything to them?  Those documents are shielded and cannot be used in a court of law unless, of course, DEL wants to use them in a court of law against a licensed provider then we the people will be allowed see them.

Even in DSHS and with OFCO fatality reviews all the documents are exempt from the public, from we, the people having oversight on our government and the safety and protection of our children. The "child fatality review" laws from the get go were laws to shield upper unelected managers. In the beginning before the law like in the 1994 "Manson Family" child death report where four babies died in one licensed home, managers actions in the story were noted.  In the beginning with OFCO managers were mentioned.  By the mid-2000s if you read the child death reviews it starts to look like that DSHS and DEL simply have no one managing the agency only those stupid line workers who didn't know what they were doing (it would be how it looks to we, the people reading these "reports").

This has been the end run maneuvers of two government agencies full of upper managers who will not protect children.  It is as upper manager Amy Blondin testified a means to cover up the unelected government managers failures in the event of children dying in care whether in child protective services (CPS), in foster care or in day care.

As from 1911 Frederick Winslow Taylor's "the system must come first" the system continues to get worse as a result the legislature has to spend copious amounts of time in an attempt to micromanage the agency "one law at a time".  The legislature's oversight?  Only getting these bogus "child fatality review" reports created as Amy said to essentially make sure they don't build a case against themselves.

In Rep. Kagi's case she's fully involved and supportive of the unelected upper managers in DEL.
Other representatives and senators have taken right action to hold the managers accountable but Kagi from her chairmanship of the house committee charged with the oversight of protecting the public and in this case children; Rep. Kagi's actions show protecting children is not her priority.

There is a law where agency managers can be charged with failure of duty. When has that law ever been enforced?

There is no law that says "Hey, you upper DEL managers can't investigate how your agency performed their duties related to this child's death."  There is no such law.  There is a law that states managers must manage the agency with "efficiency, effectiveness and economy".   Hurt, traumatized, maimed and dead children don't meet that requirement of law.

Per the RCW duty to perform that law captures that it was a must that DEL have investigated the death of four month old Eve Uphold in Rhonda Hopson's family home child day care in 2013.  Where is that report?  It had to have been done.  I made a public disclosure for it.  Where is it?

That investigation and report is what we, the people insist be produced today.  There is no need for HB 1126. 

Ten years ago in an email dated April 17, 2005 the day care licensing director at that time Rachael Langen wrote to a national expert on day care licensing about OFM (office of Financial Management doing a review):

"Child suffered traumatic brain injury after being thrown to the ground by family home provider. Licensing had a pretty spotty history of visits and there were questions about case actions. Lack-of follow thru on case was a big deal. Provider had been licensed for 13 years and licensing problems were since the beginning...there were lots of clues to poor quality of care...Case had media attention but because of the tort settlement got the state's risk prevention team's attention."

"Loss Prevention" is or was in OFM.  I can't tell from their website today and there is no phone number listed so I could call them.  I found the below "performance" report on DEL.  From what I see OFM is more interested in tracking how many folks clicked into DEL's website then tracking the health, safety and well-being of children in day care.

OFM has a graph on tracking when complaint investigations were closed.  There are no graphs on tracking enforcement actions. No graphs on how many children were hurt or died in licensed child day care.

OFM use to do reviews on children hurt and/or who died in day care as you can see from director Rachael Langen's email comments.  Are they still doing that?

Here's the "performance" report on DEL for 2011-2013.

Over and over again we see state government not taking enforcement action on day cares that have long histories of violations let alone just a few big violations.

From the introductory comments regarding the report linked below:

      "Licensing regulations are focused on the safety and health requirements that serve as the
foundation from which quality learning opportunities can be built. The Department of Early Learning is responsible for licensing over 7,700 child care homes and centers providing child care for 180,000 children. Licensing staff offer orientations for providers, process background checks, inspect, issue licenses and monitor facilities, complete complaint inspections, and take corrective action as necessary."

Enforcement action is not corrective action.  Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles need to know the unelected upper managers in government has no interest in protecting your children who are in licensed day care.

The documents, records, the actions by such folks as Rep. Kagi and upper administrative manager Amy Blondin are the evidence you can see; that their work and the taxpayer money they live on very comfortably is no guarantee they will perform their duties as required by law.

If you can figure out any way to stay home with your little ones until they are old enough "to tell" please try to do so.  If you can't ask many many direct and difficult questions of your day care provider.  If she at all acts defensively or you sense her anger at your questions get your children out of there.

The DEL website is a scheme and scam to get the public to believe all is well when it is not.  The most terrible information is not on there.  A provider can be found guilty of child abuse under RCW 26.44 and still keep her license and you won't know about it because DEL does not put that information on their website.

If you call in directly and ask about complaint history DEL will not give you the complete history. Make a written request for the whole provider's file. Don't fall for "Can I help you narrow your request down?"  That's how they figure out how to be able to hide stuff legally with their interpretation of how you "narrowed down the request".   Once you get that and you would like me to take a look at the file I will.  Send me an email and we can go from there as to how I might help.