Friday, April 3, 2015

How do Child Day Care Staff Evaluate Margo Logan's Teaching on Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse?

In uncluttering and organizing my paperwork I ran across comments made by class participants in the class I teach (for the last seven years) on recognizing and reporting child abuse; and thought my reading public might be interested to know what child day care staff think of me in the way and in the manner I gift my knowledge and expertise to them; how I respect them.  I've been uplifted by the many great hearted people I have met through teaching my class. They show me folks are hungry and thirsty for truth telling and are gratified to learn that their intuition and knowledge is high class. 

When I worked inside DSHS the managers told us that day care providers were dumb so dumb we really needed to have materials written at a fourth grade level for them.  I've met many educated, well read folks coming through my class.  In fact every class we each share a recommendation for a book or a film for each other to perhaps read or see.  There, indeed, are many high class individuals who come through my class.

Comments from Margo Logan’s evaluation cards in teaching
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse from 2010 – 2011, then some from 2015

1.      “Margo was incredibly knowledgeable and had refreshing and solid perspective on preventing child abuse.”
2.      “Good info! Personal stories were effective.”
3.      “I was grateful for the instructor’s accurate information and experience; the content was very interesting and helpful.”
4.      “She was very knowledgeable and made the course interesting and kept everyone’s attention.”
5.      “I thought Margo was very knowledgeable on the subject matter. Her experience is applied and communicated in a very helpful and informative manner. I feel very fortunate to have had this opportunity to meet and learn from such a compassionate and committed individual. Thanks for all your hard work Margo.”
6.      “Very easy to listen to, kept my attention. Real stories she told were helpful and interesting.”
7.      “This is the first abuse class I have ever attended. It was very helpful for me to know how to handle these situations the right way.  Thank you.”
8.      “Great training course; good use of materials and recommendations such as tools and reading materials.”
9.      “Informational and well led.”
10.  “I was very impressed with the knowledge and experience (especially experience) of the instructor.”
11.  “I’m from Japan. We don’t have lots of opportunity to get “don’t tell, don’t ask” kind of issue or information in the small community except big city. I’m really glad to join this class. Class is worth more than $10.00.”
12.  “The stories were very helpful; experience rather than memorizing.”
13.  “Very great, interesting and engaging.”
14.  “Great discussions.”
15.  “Excellent presentation.”
16.  “Love Margo as an instructor.”
17.  “Instructor was well organized and informed.”
18.  “I think the class was very educational and kept my attention well.”
19.  “Great class, amazing stories, more stories needed.”
20.  “Opened my eyes! Very helpful!”
21.  “Very informative. It made me think about how every interaction good or bad with a child can have life long effects.”
22.  “I was quite ignorant before, sobering. Very good to know.”
23.  “I am glad I got the list of books and movies. Thanks!”
24.  “Really informational, makes you think.”
25.  “I learned a lot and now know what I should look for, different scenarios and how I should treat those scenarios.”
26.  “Margo was very informative. She seems to have done her own research which always brings me to a level of confidence and the desire to educate.”
27.  “Very informative even learned something new; statistics, etc.”
28.  “I have been inspired to do more advocate work for abused children. Very informative.  Thank you!”
29.  “You are so good and help me so much. Thanks!”
30.  “A very excellent and clear instructor by Margo’s many years of experience. I am happy to see her, the instructor again…every retaking my classes.”
31.  “Enjoyed Margot!”
32.  “Wonderful class, great lady.”
33.  “Interesting class, stories make it fun!”
34.  “Margo was super pleasant and informative without pushing an agenda. Thank you for not making this totally miserable!”
35.  “Thank you. This is a difficult topic and you did a good job!”
36.  “The instructor was knowledgeable, kind and passionate; very supportive and very insightful.”
37.  “Margo was interesting, relevant and concise as great as this course can be!”
38.  “I was really interested in everything Margo said.  Thank you.”
39.  “A good class dealing with a difficult subject matter is always hard, but the instructor made it easier to handle by keeping things interesting and not too harsh.”
40.  “Lots of good stories, relevant and heartfelt.”
41.  “Great class, lots of good information on reporting and observing child abuse.”
42.  “Very informative and kept our interest.”
43.  “Very well taught. Keep on Keepin’ on!”
44.  “The class was very informative and Margo made sure we felt comfortable with an uncomfortable subject.”
45.  “It was a great course!”
46.  “Would love to take your reading/writing history origins course!”
47.  “Well prepared.”
48.  “Kept my interest. Never bored. Well done.”
49.  “Margo did an awesome job teaching this class! I was engaged and she shared many personal stories which were very impactful. The location was a little hard to find. Overall it was a great class!”
50.  “Comfortable, easy to engage in dialogue; activities to break up sitting and listening, thank you.”
51.  “Margo was great. I love her attitude towards helping children; her ability to go above and beyond.
52.  “This class was amazingly eye opening. I never knew most of the information given.”
53.  “I found this course extremely valuable. Thank you.”

Revocations in Licensed Child Day Care in Washington State Up date Soon to Come

A public disclosure request I made today for revocation action taken by the State of Washington from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2014 will up date my revocations page here on my blog.  I see that page has gotten the most page views of all my blog entries.

Check back; and as soon as the Department of Early Learning sends me that list I'll update the information for parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, godparents, etc; all who seek to protect children.

Happy Easter.

Dead Babies in Day Care: like Bonnie Tyler We're "Holding Out for a Hero" this month in the Washington State Senate

April 2, 2015: with SHB 1126 in the Washington State legislature in regard to the so-called "child fatality review" bill and wondering what might get through to the legislature to understand it is only a bill to protect failed DSHS and DEL managers I sent the email based on my experience, my expertise and expert opinion below with a link to Bonnnie Tyler's song, "Holding Out for a Hero":

Subject: Bonnie Tyler, babies, kids and I are "Holding Out for a Hero" well, for a majority of heroes in the Senate to kill the bill in committee or to vote no on SHB 1126 - babies dying in day care, a bill to protect failed managers in the future

Dear Senators,
Those who know and don't know me I survived working inside DSHS and DEL for over 20 years as well as when I was getting my masters in social work administration I did an internship which introduced me to the workings of the state senate where on my first visit I witnessed Senator Talmadge ranting and raving at the CPS administrators lying, I mean testifying that day.  The senator accused them of lying and I thought, "Well, he's right."   I'd recently at that time confronted my supervisor for going into the computer and closing out some of my cases that I was still waiting for documents on those cases.  He closed them out to make his statistics look good, the statistics the senate and house would see.  The facade, the charade, the smoke and mirrors.
So we're "Holding out for a Hero" on this one, lots of heroes to vote no on SHB 1126.  Please.
When you guys pulled day care licensing out of DSHS in 2006 I was there at a senate meeting where one of the senators was begging the first director Jone Bosworth to say, to promise that this change meant no connection any longer to the DSHS Behemoth. The senate basically asked her to "pinky swear" that the talons and fangs of DSHS were no longer in at least the babies and children whose parents must go to work to keep the economy humming along and the tax money pouring.  
Jone, who used to work for the Foreign Service, the state department, Bosworth lied and pinky swore DEL and DSHS no connection, no longer.  DSHS is still connected through the worst things that can happen to children in day care; and now none of that information is put on DEL's website.  Just how many providers are operating with a "founded" CPS incident?  How many?  Find that out, dig that our of DEL's cold dead hands.   We don't know and Child Care Beware, I mean, Child Care Aware doesn't know either and absolutely parents don't and  won't know except maybe unless their baby dies, they hire a law firm and the media does a story. 
As I was on my yoga mat this morning pondering all this history it struck me that Congress with their "hearings", their rantings, ravings, pathetic beseeching, anger, thundering at BIG banks, BIG tobacco, BIG Pharma that they are as helpless and powerless as parents and citizens feel in facing BIG day care.  They don't even know about Michael Milkin, convicted felon from the S & L Scandal days, and Army Generals to begin to even analyze the "failures" happening in day care, not just in our great state but across the nation.   As a national expert/analyst I've seen the records and depositions; it is across the nation (oh and in Canada as well).  
The same for the state of Washington.  One year you guys in the senat gave it a big go, you actually had heard about the domestic violence done inside DSHS; done to the line workers by their managers. Talk about your sound and fury.  You had a special hearing to have line workers tell you the truth.  Funny, my supervisor never let me know the hearing was happening, didn't invite me "to tell" or I would have been there.  Thanks to Denny Heck and his creation of TVW I happened to be in Yakima visiting a political friend and saw the hearing on TV.
Ah, who did my supervisor choose?  Solid union folks (you know there is a reason supervisors get to be in the union don't you?) to tell you everything was hunky dory.  We had a training by the Washington State Patrol once on "violence in the workplace" ostensibly it was to deal with our clients who might want to do violence to us social workers.  I, of course, asked (with three supervisors in the room) "What about violence of managers to their employees?"  The Washington State Patrol Officer didn't miss a beat and acknowledged it was happening all over the great state of Washington in DSHS and to not report to your union but to call 911.
So dear senators, you who I've been watching for almost 25 years for those of you who do feel powerless and helpless watch Bonnie Tyler sing "Holding Out of a Hero" and grow a backbone, some balls or some ovaries and face these bureaucratic managers down.  Like cockroaches they will scurry away when the light gets shined on them brightly.  
And it's not just senators and representatives its also the Fourth Estate, the media who has been solely lacking in their "investigative" reporting as what happened with Channel 13 last year.  It was more collusion and how do we make the media look good.  Everyone's trying to "look" good, like we have shameful family secrets to hide. Let the light shine, you and we, we will all feel better.

So where are all the good and brave investigative reporters in Washington State?  Yes, and I do have the emails from 2005 where DSHS was "crafting" how to "control", spin the media to their way.  We're holding out for a hero in the media as well.  The media has been as powerless as you and the parents whose children were abused, injured, maimed and died in day care.
The laws are all ready there to hold them accountable, use those laws and please stop making laws to protect these failed individuals who are causing harm and sometimes death to our babies and children.
What is really sad as well is we only sometimes get to talk about the dead ones.  We haven't even touched upon the ones in day care who were horribly traumatized, bullied and denigrated by licensed providers. You haven't seen some of these providers in enraged fury destroy the souls of little ones in their care.   Children can't do well in school if their little souls have been twisted and decimated by being in environments that have hurt them terribly.
Don't even bring this bill to the floor for a vote.  Don't let your name be in the column that says "yes" you voted for this bill. 
Come on senators especially Jim Hargrove, turn up the speakers on your laptops and let Bonnie belt it out and move you to hero status.
Please don't let the bill come to the floor or if it does please vote no.
I don't know who needs to finally pull the scandal that is day care licensing out of the shadows.  At this juncture of my latest attempts and doings it is to at least attempt to warn parents; maybe 60 Minutes, 48 Hours, NPR, Democracy Now, how do we get to a larger audience to tell parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles and friends the Russian Roulette being played by the administrators and the director of DEL and their failure of duty to license day care within the laws that are all ready on the books?
Where is the governor in all this?  Jay and I go way back to Yakima and his first campaign.  I pounded yard signs into front lawns for Jay.   There's only one degree of separation between him and Bette.  Bette Hyde.  Don't let her hide behind this bill. 
If you like the cowboy version of "Holding out for a Hero", here's Bonnie Tyler's original below.
Holding Out for a Hero,
Margo Logan