Thursday, August 25, 2011

Julia O'Malley : In 'hot sauce mom' case, Dr. Phil didn't help |

Julia O'Malley : In 'hot sauce mom' case, Dr. Phil didn't help |

A thank you to Julia O'Malley in Anchorage for covering this story. I wanted to pass it along.

From the article:

'The boy is a victim of his mother's anger and narcissism, and also of exploitation by the "Dr. Phil" show, which promised a woman with problems fame and help in exchange for video of her losing control. No matter how things go, she's being held accountable right now. Dr. Phil, who cashed in on her situation, isn't.'

It appears at this time the Dr. Phil Show is not getting a clue. The article reports the show is still trolling for more angry moms.

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