Monday, August 15, 2011

The Department of Early Learning Can't Read - Going on Five Years Now

This is what the language in the law (RCW 43.215.379) passed by the Washington State legislature in 2007 (BOLDING MINE) says:
"For the purposes of reporting actions taken against agency licensees, upon the development of an early learning information system, the following actions shall be posted to the department's web site accessible by the public: Suspension, surrender, revocation, denial, stayed suspension, or reinstatement of a license."

Below I copied in an email from Amy Blondin who is DEL's "communication" manager (Bolding, underlining and bigger Font mine):
From Blondin, Amy (DEL) Date  Thursday, June 10, 2010 12:45 PM
Bergquist, Shannon (DEL); Malahovsky, Maureen (DEL)
Before Josh left today, he passed along to me a referral from the Gov’s office. It is an e-mail that Margo Logan sent to them on April 14. Josh asked that I share with you what we did in response to Margo’s e-mail.

Please let the Gov’s office know that members of the DEL Communications Team did correspond with Logan about this via e-mail. We shared with her information about:
·         The purpose of our current Child Care Check tool
·         why it is NOT considered a full information system.

She argued that point and ended up making a public disclosure request.

Amy Blondin
Communications Manager
Department of Early Learning
360.725.4919 (office phone)
360.878.0628 (cell phone)
The language in the law does not read as Amy Blondin changed it to read in her email nor in our conversation did she call it a "full information system".  

If the adult managers in the Department of Early Learning can't read how can they possibly manifest an educational system for the children in Washington State who are in daycare? 

The DEL website as created gives incomplete information and leaves out the most vital information parents need to make decisions on where to put their children while they go to work. 

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