Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day Care in Washington State, in the US and/or Canada

Child-care centres to start posting serious occurrence reports -

I'm interested in the commonalities I see across our country and other nations. From this Ontario, Canada newspaper:

"Nearly four years ago, the Ontario government promised to regularly report and publish daycare inspection records online after an in-depth Star investigation in 2007.

Star reporter Rob Cribb waged a two-year battled through freedom of information to obtain daycare incident reports. Those documents showed how kids were hit, kicked, played in dirty conditions and in some cases were fed allergy-triggering food."

Similar to Canada, in Washington State the legislature passed a law in 2007 for the Department of Early Learning (DEL) to post revocations, suspensions and denial actions against licensed day care providers. And like Canada unelected bureaucratic managers simply refused to comply.

What are the connections, the threads and why the similarities in failure across a broad and complex spectrum of government and non-profit agencies ?

Why the web of deceit and the hiding of information from parents? Who benefits from hiding information from parents?

How many billions of dollars of taxpayer money is flowing out like a blown artery to a wide spectrum of not only government and non-profit agencies but, also, to legislatively created so-called unions?

The commonalities intrigue me. Are they confined to North America and Canada? If I look across the pond will the pattern repeat?

If anyone has a hypothesis and would like to write about that perhaps I could put it up as a guest article on my blog.

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