Katie's Kids director, driver plead guilty; sentenced to probation
Another mother grieves and wonders what is and where is the proper justice for this child's death ... for Haile Brockington's death.
In Washington State where licensed family home child day provider, Danette Zaring, in 2004 slammed two year old Hailee Rhodes into a playpen causing permanent brain damage, Danette Zaring got five years in prison.
I've seen no reports on Katie Kids licensing history to know whether or not she was qualified to get and/or to keep a license. Danette Zaring of Spokane, Washington wasn't in my expert opinion as a former day care licensor, but the state government licensing agency didn't revoke Zaring's license until after the tragedy with Washington's Hailee.
How deep is the failure in Haile Brockington's death?
No one is studying the overcapacity issues in licensed day care. Day cares operating at overcapacity is a major health and safety risk to children. And in my time in the government agency, managers actively forbade my doing unannounced monitor visits on day care facilities the managers had direct knowledge of who were overcapacity.
Washington State laws still hold the Washington State government licensing agency responsible for deaths of children because of poor licensing, poor background clearance oversight, poor oversight, poor monitoring, poor complaint investigation and failure to take proper action as directed by the citizen legislature who made the health, safety and well-being of the child paramount over any person to hold a license.
Other states have horrendously protected unelected government bureaucrats from their failures and as a result there is little or no accountability. Some of the records of other states I've reviewed goes way beyond the pale of acceptable standards of documentation and record keeping.
I am not familiar Florida day care licensing laws and I am curious about their laws, their accountability and how that would weigh in on what happened to Haile Brockington.
It appears the State of Florida did not revoke the license of the day care director. It indicates as a result of losing state funds the director could no longer kept her business. It tells me there is more to the story. If I run across any pertinent information I'll write an update.
I can only say to a grieving mother, I'm so sorry your sweet child died.
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