Saturday, June 18, 2011

Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag might run for Governor?

Auditor Sonntag's fights for accountability irk fellow Democrats |

I have had my sharp criticisms of Brian Sonntag and his office backing off from fully investigating my whistle blower reports related to the health, safety and well-being of the child in licensed child care and my reports of unelected bureaucratic DSHS managers concealing public records, removing documents from public files and ordering public records be altered whereby the managers had the original record destroyed.

I have also seen spot on audits about the child care licensing agency where I worked and my unelected bureaucratic managers who ignored the State Auditor's findings.

I more recently learned that my former union was the impetus on weakening the whistle blower program in 2006.

If voters from both parties do have a high regard for Sonntag his election success could provide, with the backing of Washington State's citizens, that something could happen with these out of control state agencies like DSHS as well as these so called collective bargaining unions that are not, in my research and opinion, unions.

The citizens of Washington State have a lot of power and using it could be history changing.

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