Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Do You Want to Know a Secret? Do you Promise not to Tell?

Do I hear the Beatles singing?

Teaching a community class for the last four years and checking on my "stats" on my blog the overriding interest is in government secrets and the government hiding information.

In my classes I'm uplifted to see the hunger and thirst, the curiosity the public has to understand why our governments charged with protecting the health, safety and well-being of children continually fail.

I often find that "regular" citizens often have more accurate information than many so called experts with three letters behind their names.

My articles this summer will answer those questions from the public I have talked reach a larger audience out there in cyberland.

Unlike the Beatles you not only don't have to promise not to tell, our wish is for the reader to pass along the secrets and in some cases expose more of the secrets. You know who you are.

Check back in if you want to know some of the secrets of the unelected bureaucratic managers.

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