Sonntag requests veto of performance audit fund raid | Washington Policy Center
Thank God for all the citizens out there in blogger land. Blogger land is providing more detail and depth than the mainstream media. I'm glad I ran across this article.
After this author, this whistle blower state employee got thrown off the DSHS unelected bureaucratic train in 2006 I became an entrepreneur out of necessity. It wasn't satisfying enough for these unelected bureaucratic managers paid by taxpayer money to retaliate against me on and off for 16 years as I periodically made my whistle blower reports...the retaliation continued after I no longer worked for the state government (I have the documents).
I must say being a small business person and entrepreneur to be a life giving creative endeavor and is providing me with a whole new education; and appreciation for that which is the backbone of the economy of the United States of America.
Me and Christine Gregoire, me and Brian Sonntag and to a lesser amount of time me and Rob McKenna have had over a decade long me, the insider, the whistle blower going "Oh, Yoo Hoo! Something's going on in here."
I've been an insider witness for 22 years...speaking up off and on. There were a few years where I was allowed to fulfill my child care licensor duties which I owed to the taxpayer for paying me well and giving me benefits. One year after the legislature gave us a raise, I sent a thank you card to our local representative. He was so shocked he called me at work to see if it and I was real.
January 1994 7 month old Jesse Hunt died. I looked at that daycare licensing file and went, "Oh my God." 1998, 14 month old Charlotte Wetzel is murdered by her daycare provider. March 2000, 6 month old Nathan Slater killed by his daycare provider. January 2004, 2 year old Hailee Rhodes permanently maimed by her daycare provider. 10 months after I made a slew of whistle blower reports to the State Auditor as well as up my chain of command on December 1, 2005 18 month old Jaclyn Frank died at her daycare. These children, other children who were maimed and/or died, these and the many sad, sad faces I saw in daycare homes will forever haunt me.
It also drives me not to quit.
Christine, Rob and Brian are our top elected officials. They form a triangle. Maybe an iceberg?
Rob is the legal head honcho, holding the scales of justice in his hands, to tell these unelected bureaucratic managers to obey the laws.
Brian with his Sherlock Holmes cape and magnifying glass looks at agencies and programs to make a judgment...are all these taxpayer funded government bureaucracies obeying the laws enacted by the citizen legislators?
Christine appears to be the uber head honcho with a magnifying glass in one hand and the scales of justice in her other hand.
Christine in my detective work so far appears to be at the pointy top of the triangle with Brian and Rob at the base.
Deep Throat (Mark Felt) told Woodward and Bernstein (All the President's Men) to follow the money.
In my whistle blower investigations that I ended up doing myself, (and a few that DSHS Secretary Robin Arnold-Williams ordered to be done)I followed the documents and in particular I followed the email threads and, as young George Bush might say, Christine appears to be the "decider". Christine's point man, Christine's the top of the triangle, Christine's the tip of the iceberg.
Christine, Brian and Rob are all human beings with pasts and relationships. I've witnessed Christine being very kind and engaging with children. Through friends I am one degree of separation away from Christine, Rob and Brian. It can't be a coincidence that some of the most memorable friends I've had in my life hung out and/or hang out with these three people.
With that sidebar it is simply in the best interests of the 3 people anchoring the points of the triangle to have the resources to see that laws are enacted, obeyed with efficiency, effectiveness and economy (that's an RCW) and all of that be transparent immediately for the taxpayer to oversee how you three are using their money.
I say with all due respect and affection to the Governor, Governor Gregoire, please fully fund the State Auditor's performance audit program.
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