Sunday, July 31, 2011

Your Children have a Right to be Safe in Licensed Child Care Department of Early Learning Court Case

Court eases proof for childcare license revocations - Politics Blog -

RCW 43.215.005(4)(c) says what is paramount in getting and keeping a license:

" (c) To safeguard and promote the health, safety, and well-being of children receiving child care and early learning assistance, which is paramount over the right of any person to provide care;"

The Washington State Supreme Court upheld the duty of the child care licensing currently known as The Department of Early Learning to conduct their licensing duties with that legislative intent kept intact.

This is an important decision for parents concerned about their children in licensed day care.

Now if we can get DEL to obey RCW 43.215.370 and post information the legislature required them to post starting in 2007 then we move DEL along to further obeying their licensing laws.

I posted some of that information (from 2001 to 2008) that DEL in violation of the law has refused to do. It's DEL data I got through public disclosure and it's posted on the second page of my blog. I am working on getting the data since that time.

Thank you to the Bellingham Herald for their article on this day care licensing court case.

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