Friday, July 15, 2011

DSHS Secrets, DSHS Failures, AG Secrets and Secrets sealed by the Courts

Your Courts, Their Secrets | Failures by state, caregiver kept secret in child-rape case | Seattle Times Newspaper

Finding this article on the internet I'm taken by the mention of The OK Boys Ranch in a state email highlighting that secrets were still being buried by the state regarding children being terrorized and violently sexually assaulted:

"Please be aware that Youth Care has a very high powered board in Seattle; it is a long term agency with a ton of community support. Not to say that changes what we do but if we think [a particular boys ranch] had connections; we have seen nothing yet!"

This time it's 2001 about a decade after the OK Boys Ranch crimes (that state licensed residential facility stayed in business for at least 23 years) were released to the public, now it's YouthCare a group home for teenagers in Seattle, Washington.  Christine Gregoire was still the Attorney General at the time of this problem as she was with the OK Boys Ranch.

From Louis Bloom's website documenting in detail the OK Boys Ranch: "Christine Gregoire is the present Washington State Attorney General (1993+). Many of her assistant attorney generals were involved in defending the Olympia Kiwanis Boys Ranch. Her department made a half-hearted attempt to prosecute some of the low-level OKBR people. The Olympia Kiwanis members are politically connected. She backed off. Christine spoke at a Jan 19, 1999 Olympia Kiwanis meeting. It's easy to forgive people involved with child abuse when they're politically connected."

The last time I re-viewed the documents on  Louis Bloom's website and reread what was done to the boys at the OK Boys Ranch I felt nauseous.

From attorney Jack Connelly's website (who got a measure of justice for some of the boys) about some of the abuse:

"Case Details The abuse occurring at the OK Boys Ranch was varied and severe.
Newcomers, as well as those who broke the rules were initiated or punished in group beatings, young boys would lay awake at night expecting to be raped by the older boys and many tried, unsuccessfully, to escape. The staff did little to stop such behavior and even beat and sodomized the boys themselves. Roughly two serious incidents, which should have been reported to state authorities, occurred per week."

In teaching a child abuse class for the last four and a half years it is clear to me the worst and most shaming of abuses that happen to children and continue into adulthood are the emotional ripping up of children's souls and sexual violation of those same souls.  Of all the categories of child abuse, it is emotional abuse and sexual violation that brings tears to the eyes of those in my class.

It's the crime we are not allowed to talk about it. It's the crime that gets hidden like it's the victim's shame. It's not their shame. Such secrets have been covered up in child day care licensing as well.

"Sexual" abuse is not about sex. It's about power and control. It's not about the perpetrator having the orgasm. The worst and most shaming is forcing the child to have the orgasm, it's the emotional control the perpetrator has over the child...well into adulthood.

As was the case for Elizabeth Lynn Dunham who was first sexually seduced and used by former Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt at the age of thirteen.  Not until her death this year (February) at age 49 years old did we learn her name.

We learned it from the Willamette Week, the Oregonian didn't honor and respect this woman, this girl who could never be healed in this lifetime. It is not her shame what Goldschmidt did to her and the control he had over her the rest of her life.

Secrets devastate and secrets kill. A thank you to the Seattle Times for investigating and investing to get records unsealed to tell this story. 

Elizabeth Lynn Dunham's story and others like the boys at the OK Boys Ranch must be honored and remembered.


Thomas "Birdy" McKee said...

I was there, I went to the OKBR in 1975 and left in 1979, shortly before going to prison for 30 years. I tied Tom Van Woerden and his friends together as this was happening back when I started at the boys ranch in April 1975. People don't understand what happened there is happening all over the place. And it needs to stop! It ruins lives.

Anonymous said...

Tom, I was there, too but I'll be dammed if I remember you. I remember Tom Van Woerdon as a very kind but stern man. Yes, the kids were a little rough, but hey, you're in a group home. I was never molested, tortured, or treated like crap by any staff member. In fact, I believe this whole story about OKBR being a house of horrors is a crock of shit. Collette Queener was a little flaky. If you remember how bad it there was then you can remember the type of car she had. This will prove who you are.

Anonymous said...

Just an FYI. I did "escape" or should I saw, willingly ran away. I broke the record by taking off 13 times, all of which were successful, until I was returned back to the place from where I rabbit footed from.

Anonymous said...

Reply is down below, new to site.

Thomas "Birdy" McKee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Well, I was there. Tom Gill happens to be a friend of mine on Facebook and remembers me clearly. Collett had a Duster, want me to describe Van Woerdon's office? Next to the day room and dining room. I resent being called a "liar". But that's fine. I was there around 79 to 80, and yes, I was a habitual runaway and discussed the fall of OKBR with Tom Van Woerdon via phone. He remembers me as well. As far as kids? Too many of them to remember by name. But I do remember a boy who lost his fingers due to a lawnmower accident.

Anonymous said...

Feel free to write Tom Gill on Facebook. He was the one who made the transition from one place to OKBR easier for me. Dwight Duke, Jeffective Clough? Sorry if names do not ring bells for me but I sure remember the hole I dug in the backyard, the slop the kids made me drink. Granted, you may not remember me because we were there in different times, but believe me, I was there.

Anonymous said...

You left before I got there. It was late 79 when I arrived and stayed until early 1980. So your assumption that I'm full of #!$@ is clearly unjustified. As far as personal details of staff members, I didn't care if someone was a bleeder or certain staff had PhDs. My life was being sucked out of me and all I wanted to do was get my walking papers from that wretched place, at all cost. You and I were there on separate occasions and there is no doubt our paths ever crossed, but we were there.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I must say, despite my short time at OKBR, I came out ok. Just like many other kids who've dealt with similar issues, I've had the usual fits, fails, funnies and faults which lasted well into my mid 30's.

As stated before, I was never molested or treated like garbage from staff, but the kids ruled the roost. And yes, I do remember the initiations. Digging holes in the backyard. Forced to drink a mixture of Tabasco, raw eggs, vinegar, baking soda, and anything else for a vile concoction. Dirty socks being shoved into my mouth. Pages from my bible were stolen and used as paper for marijuana cigarettes, and everything I owned was either broken or stolen. From one place of abuse to another. Go figure.

I never kept up with petty information, nor did I want to. I did everything I could do to separate myself from the reality of being there. After working at a State Park for the summer I bought a bike, and rode whenever possible. I would cut flowers and sell them to the neighbors and mow lawns at a cut-rate (no pun intended)

My confidence for any human being was trashed and couldn't trust anyone (except for two people. Tom G. and TVW) so I just kept to myself. When Tom G. left, I realized my support and best friend was no longer my source of protection - I was on my own, and
that's when all hell broke loose for me. I became the whipping boy.

I became a habitual runaway at the age of 14+. Sleeping on the streets of Seattle is a whole different story, but that is when my life changed for the better. Albeit, this may sound strange but a very true statement nonetheless.

I've learned a few things about life while at OKBR. Cruelty, abuse and lack of respect has no place in ANY home, and I proudly hold these morals to this day. I am a father. I would never subject my children to the same horror(s) of my lost youth. I treat people with respect and dignity. I don't use my past as an excuse for today's failures. While I made a lot of bad decisions and walked down plenty of wrong roads, it did take a long time (and many hard lessons learned) to get on the right path.

So there is some good that came out of the Boys Ranch. I just hope and pray that the other boys have found happiness and peace as well.

I do understand your doubts, Tom. But I can assure you I am not lying.

Thomas "Birdy" McKee said...

I believe you were there, cause only a person who was there could remember those things mentioned, and I didn't realize that Tom Gill had a Facebook page, I will look him up! He was a friend to me too; as for Collette s Duster, she must have gotten it after I left, I had my periods of abuse there as well; in fact because of the OKBR I write a blog (3 actually) of anti-crime and tips to avoid similar situations; you should look it up: In Birdys Eyes @ or: and I am on Tumbler, in fact, I have written so much all over the place, I am surprised you never contacted me before this.

Thomas "Birdy" McKee said...

I tried to Find Tom Gill on facebook, but I've had no luck, will you send me a link?


Anonymous said...

I will send a FB message to Tom, along with links to your sites, if permitted. Do you remember a kid named Carson?

Thomas "Birdy" McKee said...

Carson actually rings a bell; do you remember Keene? I was roomed with him for a while in 1976 I believe, but he didn't leave the ranch until he was 19 I think, right around the bottom of '79. I heard about Laura, but have not met her, and don't believe that will happen anytime in the future. Which would be a good thing.

Thomas "Birdy" McKee said...

I apologize for calling you a Liar. No good thing ever came out of the Ranch! The lessons learned there has kept me alive for these many years, I am very hard to put my truest in anyone. It's a trait that I feel must be earned, I've been screwed over far too many times to objectivity and implicitly trust on first sight. And though I spent 30+ years in prison, I don't like criminal activity, I really hate those who take what is not theirs for their own personal gain. My values were set while I witnessed what was going on at the Ranch and was forced to participate therein as well. I have no 'fond' memories of my time spent there, and sure I ran off several times (16 times) and was brought right back. Maybe we met, it's a possibility, but so many faces, so much horror and terror, and those memories I keep pretty much to myself, I have too. Family, I live by myself, my children don't know me, and though I have contact with them, there is a gap that cannot be spanned. So, I write, I write on the Blog, I write opinions, I write articles, legal briefs, stories, etc. It is a release of sorts, a 'necessity' whatever a person wants to call it, and regardless of what people may think about the OK Boys Ranch, it was no joy ride!

-Thomas "Birdy" McKee

Anonymous said...

No problem Tom. And I'm sorry for calling you out for proof. I wonder what happened to these 'kids.' I've met a few peeps who claimed to have lived there but their answers to my questions are usually vague.


Thomas "Birdy" McKee said...

I seen a couple on the inside, I've been trying to look up a few but I usually get no where. So it is a mystery...

Anonymous said...

Thomas "Birdy" McKee said...

Thank You for the information, the last time I viewed Tim Moffatts profile, he was living on a sail boat in the Olympia, Harbour.

Unknown said...

Anyone remember a boy named James b.

Logan said...

You might try the Jack Connelly law offices. He handled the OK Boys Ranch lawsuit back then. Don't know if he might have a list of names or is familiar with that person, but you can give it a try. Best to you and all the other boys that got tormented and traumatized in that state government run facility owned by the Kiwanis Club of Olympia, Washington.

Logan said...

Here's a link to the Jack Connelly lawfirm.

Thomas "Birdy" McKee said...

Jack and his bunch is very good, he did my case against the OKBR, though I doubt very seriously if he will release any name of the people he represented, but you can try.

Logan said...

Thomas, would you like me to try? I'll be glad to give it a go.

The way he could do it, it would seem to me is for you to submit a letter to him authorizing him to send your letter to all the people he has contact info for. Then when they get your letter they can decide to contact you.

Do you want me to call and ask him if this method would work?

Thomas "Birdy" McKee said...

Yes, I believe that would be good. Thx.


Logan said...

OK. Let me get through the primary election season here. May 15th and then I'll give it a go. Best to you.

I just read another article about another Boys Ranch today. Same time period. Same horror.