Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Michael Shinn, Senior Assistant Attorney General

"Criminal penalties including fines and imprisonment will be assessed for the intentional destruction of public records." Quote from website below:


I received a May 4, 2011 letter from Nancy E. Hovis Deputy Attorney General with a copy to Michael Shinn.

I know Michael Shinn. I worked with Michael Shinn. I like Michael Shinn. On one case we worked together on I helped give Michael his Perry Mason moment that many attorneys wait a life time to get. You know, when on the witness stand and under oath the person admits they lied. On that case, in addition, an apology was made to me on the record by the appellant. We did excellent work together.

Ms Hovis wrote in her May 4, 2011 letter: "...you state that "a reasonable person could conclude that the Attorney General's Office has been covering up wrongdoing." This opinion appears to be related to accusations you make that the Department of Social and Health Services and Department of Early Learning managers somehow (bolding mine)have violated the Public Records Act and the Records Retention Act and is based on the mistaken assumption that the Attorney General is responsible for enforcing criminal statutes prohibiting the destruction, alteration and concealment of public records. The Attorney General has limited criminal authority and may only exercise jurisdiction upon the request of an elected Prosecuting Attorney or others specified under RCW 43.10.232."

One of the subsections (1)(b) Ms Hovis failed to mention is the Attorney General upon the request of the Governor "shall have concurrent authority and power with the prosecuting attorneys to investigate crimes and initiate and conduct prosecutions..."


I think a reasonable person could conclude that if the Attorney General's Office received allegations that DSHS and DEL managers ordered current and established original public records destroyed...the Attorney General and Assistant Attorney Generals would say, "What!" "Whoa, Nelly!" Then they would say, "We are looking into this!" In addition, if any AGO state employee had information that such allegations may well be true...well...those employees like all state employees could and should make a whistle blower report to the State Auditor to be fully investigated.


I have documents of my attempts on and off since 2002 to get an opinion directly from the Attorney General herself (Gregoire) and now Rob McKenna, himself, to step forward boldly to proclaimto the unelected bureaucratic managers, "Quit concealing, quit altering and quit destroying public records!"

When the State Auditor decided to not complete a "full" investigation on my whistle blower assertions in 2005, I appealed to the Attorney General and the Governor (allowed under law) to have the full investigation completed. The AG and the Governor did not so direct.

"RCW 40.16.010
Injury to public record.

Every person who shall willfully and unlawfully remove, alter, mutilate, destroy, conceal, or obliterate a record, map, book, paper, document, or other thing filed or deposited in a public office, or with any public officer, by authority of law, is guilty of a class C felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than five years, or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by both."

We have unelected bureaucratic managers who I allege broke this law and I have documents which I do believe a reasonable person could conclude this law was broken by specific unelected bureaucratic managers.

I appreciate Nancy Hovis taking the time to write and copying Michael Shinn and would love to work with them to serve the greater good of the citizens of Washington State.

I'm not an unknown entity and Washington is my home state. I served on Governor Booth Gardner's steering committee. I went to the Governor's Ball with one of the Governor's AAGs. Doug Cochran in the State Auditor's Office is a long time friend, and his wife, Bettie Ingham, a longer time friend. I was her scheduling coordinator in her first election campaign many years ago.

I am here to help. I'm here to be the witness. And I am here to protect children. Just give me a call. We're all looking for heroes. It's never too late to be a hero.

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