A word of praise in that the Department of Early Learning (DEL) added to their website by telling parents "for any licensing complaints" to call the CPS Intake phone number (which is a call center).
"To report suspected or known child abuse or neglect, or for any licensing
complaints, call 866-END-HARM (363-4276)."
I call every once in awhile to CA CPS Intake to see how they answer the phone. And as usual their phone message as well as how they answer, they say we take child abuse and neglect reports.
When I mention child care licensing complaints, it's "Oh, yeah, we take those, too."
I told the guy tonight I've been bringing this up since 1996. From 1993 to 1996 when I had a caseload of about 250, we took and investigated licensing complaints.
That changed in 1996 with the decision that parents could only call in licensing complaints to CPS Intake. CPS Intake should not be taking licensing complaints.
When I left in 2006 my caseload was down to 100. Licensing complaints should come out of DSHS CA CPS Intake and come back to licensing.
I'd get a complaint in the morning and I would be out that afternoon if there were any allegations children could be in a risky situation.
So I told this Intake guy, like I've told the others, DSHS CPS Intake should not be taking licensing complaints. He's been around since 1997, but he missed the big decision of 1996.
I told him parents calling in, just by the intake message might likely hang up because it only says reporting child abuse and neglect.
He said he'd take my suggestion up the chain. My suggestion to legislators is to sponsor a bill to make that happen. Child licensing complaints go to DEL. Simple and practical.
Maybe I should contact the Guinness Book of World Records.
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