Sunday, May 22, 2011

Daddy Day Care

Daddy Day Care Trailer B - Trailer Addict: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

I recommended Daddy Day Care as a licensor to folks who came to our full day orientation class. It shows how doing day care badly leads to chaos then when the guys get a clue and up their game the transformation is wonderful to see.

Rent or buy the DVD. The outtakes are great and you also see that the film works by how the children are treated in the filming of this movie.

For parents watch your children's behavior when taking them to day care and picking them up. Always make time for unannounced drop in visits. Research shows that 70% of all communication is non-verbal. Trust your intuition.

Even though the Department of Early Learning (DEL) in Washington State's website "looks" like they give parents information, it is the information that DEL is not giving you that can be the most damaging to your child.

It's been now over a year since I have repeatedly attempted to have DEL comply with a law the legislature enacted in 2007. The law is written in very basic plain language and it's a "shall". When the legislature makes it a "shall" under law the agency "must" do it.

For any of you out there in internet land who email, twitter and blog you know how easy it is to get a website up and going in 5 minutes.

The "shall" that DEL does not want you to know about? It is the information about day care providers who have seriously put children at risk, where children seriously got hurt, and where children died.

I've asked the Attorney General, Rob McKenna, of Washington State to tell DEL to do it. The AG's Office said they couldn't make them, they can only advise DEL under law. And, indeed, an AAG did advise them of such about that law in 2007. I have that email.

I asked the State Auditor, Brian Sonntag, to investigate DEL's failure to comply. Their investigation consisted of calling DEL and asking them. There is a phrase in the law that says "upon development of an early learning website". Well, they have a website, they have Facebook and a blog. Supposedly, there was some backroom deal or something, that until DEL gets a lot more taxpayer money for another computer program, DEL will not comply with the law.

Our 14 year old children, grandchildren, godchildren, nieces, nephews and other such children could create this in a blink of an eye.

The child care licensing agency was put under the Governor's watch in 2006 to make "it better"! Or so the story goes. So the Governor is now the head honcho over child care licensing for the last 4 years.

It's Governor Gregoire at the top of the chain of command, then director Betty Hyde, then Deputy director, Bob Hamilton, then Northwest, Southwest and Eastern Service Area managers who all have assistant managers. DEL's Chief Information Officer is Corina McCleary. This is the unit that would handle all that computer stuff. She has 14 employees under her.

And they can't create something many 14 years old could do in a heart beat?

The Governor's the boss over child care licensing so I asked her to make DEL obey the law.

Nothing. Who's the Boss? What is going on in my home state?

I will try again and send this article to the Governor, the State Auditor and the Attorney General.

The governor was so sweet and engaging with the children at the Colby Thompson bill signing it would be hard to believe she'd support to keep information secret from parents.

With what happened to 9 month old Colby Thompson in unlicensed care in 2010, a new law was signed by Governor Christine Gregoire on May 10, 2011 which says DEL must post folks who have done unlicensed care and not applied to get a license on the DEL website.

So parents and other concerned folks, please, enjoy watching Daddy Day Care and it will give you an example (towards the end of the film)of what good day care can look like.

Parents please contact me through my website if you need support. I can put you in touch with others who can give you support as well.

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