The Department of Early Learning (DEL) does not post information on their website if a provider is out of compliance. DEL had started at one point of scanning in the violation of regulation sheets then stopped.
I heard through other sources that the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) complained so DEL quit posting that information. Only a small minority of day care providers are active in SEIU and they didn't want compliance violations posted. Did DEL willingly go along with that view?
From the article below you can see how tricky, almost sleight of hand DEL responded to the media's question about the out of compliance issue.
"A letter sent to Kids Are Us on September 1st of 2010 advised Berland of these issues and allowed the daycare to stay open while Berland appealed the state's findings. Today, more than a year and three months later, their appeal was officially denied. KHQ dug deeper to find out what requirements day care providers have to notify parents in case they are not in compliance. The answer is, there is none. Kara Klotz, a spokesperson for the Department of Early Learning, said "There is no requirement in state law or rules that licensed providers communicate a revocation letter to parents. We do maintain licensees' status on our website which shows when a licensee is in no referral status."
The media asked one question and DEL's media spokesperson avoided the actual question and flipped it over to whether there is a law that licensed providers are to inform parents if their license is revoked.
Well, first of all you can't require a "licensed" provider whose licensed has been revoked to do anything as she is no longer a "licensed" provider.
DEL did not tell the reporter there doesn't have to be a law for DEL to post non-compliance on their website. DEL didn't tell the reporter that a 2007 law, RCW 43.215.370 requires DEL to post on their website revocation action taken by DEL.
But if you look today Spokane Valley Day Care no longer exists on DEL's website and the lawful "shall" requirement is not met:
"Child Care Check
Search: |
We found 0 results for Spokane Valley Day Care in All Counties."
That DEL continues to play a verbal chess game with the media and parents in Washington State is of great concern. DEL cannot be trusted if DEL themselves breaks any of the laws that your citizen legislature has passed.
I'll give DEL kudos when they take a right lawful action, but this continuing to not provide parents with lawful information does not build trust with the public and parents who require children to be safe, healthy and happy in licensed care.
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