Monday, January 9, 2012

Day Care, Food Programs and the Military

In 2011 retired generals testified to the Washington State legislature to focus on high quality daycare and preschools because they are afraid they won't have enough young people join the military when the economy gets better. It's the same reason the federal government started the federal food program during WW II. Makes you ponder, ey?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

DSHS SECRETS (and Department of Early Learning Secrets) - Jesse Hunt 1994 - Washington State DSHS SECRETS - JESSE HUNT 1994 eBook: Margo Logan, Delle Jacobs, Michelle Hunt: Kindle Store

My book went up on on New Year's Eve. It is a memoir/anthology. It is about my journey into DSHS as a child protective social worker and then as a family home child day care licensor my journey out of the agency when I went public with what I had witnessed. My book is a conversation with the parents and citizens of my home state, Washington.
As a consultant and expert witness these days, my book has national appeal as the dynamics and characteristics of day care licensing in Washington State are similar across this great nation of ours.

When we, the people know the secrets; and government bureaucratic managers can no longer hide with they do and in the case of day care licensing what they did not do, then government goes back to the original intent of the United States Constitution and becomes once again subordinate to we, the people.

You can download a sample for free. The e-book is only 99 cents. My intent is that millions of folks from all around the world will see my book cover, which is the darling face of seven month old Jesse Hunt who because of DSHS' failings in child day care licensing died before his life began.

So please click on the link above to see his sweet adorable face. Jesse's mom wrote a review of my book and that is included in the free sample download.

From looking at my blog statistics I know folks are most interested in the secrets that government hides; those articles on my blog get the most pageviews. In addition, for five years I have taught classes and I saw people were hungry and thirsty for truth telling on why children die under the care of the government. Sometimes when people's mouths hang open in class, I say, "I should write a book, huh?" "YES!", they would chorus!

This is that book.
Jesse died January 14, 1994. Jesse's death and meeting his mom began my journey inside the agency to try to figure out the why, why children died and/or were maimed from having been in licensed day care. Two year old Hailee Rhodes maiming in 2004 was my critical mass moment to go public.
These two children and others I mention in my book are the reason I started my blog to get out information to parents that the government was hiding from them.
When I wrote the memoir part of my book two authors kept popping up in my head. Carrie Fisher, who wrote in Wishful Drinking, "If this wasn't funny it would just be true." and Dave Barry who writes often, "I'm not making this up."

Thank you to all of you who take a moment out of your busy day to read my words.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Department of Early Learning - Admits to Not Giving Parents Vital Information

State Shuts Down Spokane Valley Daycare For History Of Non-Compliance Issues - Local News - Spokane, WA -

The Department of Early Learning (DEL) does not post information on their website if a provider is out of compliance. DEL had started at one point of scanning in the violation of regulation sheets then stopped.

I heard through other sources that the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) complained so DEL quit posting that information. Only a small minority of day care providers are active in SEIU and they didn't want compliance violations posted. Did DEL willingly go along with that view?

From the article below you can see how tricky, almost sleight of hand DEL responded to the media's question about the out of compliance issue.

"A letter sent to Kids Are Us on September 1st of 2010 advised Berland of these issues and allowed the daycare to stay open while Berland appealed the state's findings. Today, more than a year and three months later, their appeal was officially denied. KHQ dug deeper to find out what requirements day care providers have to notify parents in case they are not in compliance. The answer is, there is none. Kara Klotz, a spokesperson for the Department of Early Learning, said "There is no requirement in state law or rules that licensed providers communicate a revocation letter to parents. We do maintain licensees' status on our website which shows when a licensee is in no referral status."

The media asked one question and DEL's media spokesperson avoided the actual question and flipped it over to whether there is a law that licensed providers are to inform parents if their license is revoked.

Well, first of all you can't require a "licensed" provider whose licensed has been revoked to do anything as  she is no longer a "licensed" provider.

DEL did not tell the reporter there doesn't have to be a law for DEL to post non-compliance on their website. DEL didn't tell the reporter that a 2007 law, RCW 43.215.370 requires DEL to post on their website revocation action taken by DEL.

But if you look today Spokane Valley Day Care no longer exists on DEL's website and the lawful "shall" requirement is not met:

"Child Care Check

10 digit phone number:
- OR -

Advanced Search

We found 0 results for Spokane Valley Day Care in All Counties."

That DEL continues to play a verbal chess game with the media and parents in Washington State is of great concern. DEL cannot be trusted if DEL themselves breaks any of the laws that your citizen legislature has passed.

I'll give DEL kudos when they take a right lawful action, but this continuing to not provide parents with lawful information does not build trust with the public and parents who require children to be safe, healthy and happy in licensed care.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fire Safety is a Big Deal - Day Care Shut Down by The Dept of Early Learning

State regulators close down MLK center day care in Spokane - Spokesman Mobile - Dec. 31, 2011

This Spokane child day care center was shut down for violation of the fire codes. From the article:

"The city offered to provide the certificate as long as certain standards were met, including an inspection by a state fire marshal and the hiring of a “fire watch” to be present at the center at all times. A representative of the state Department of Early Learning, which oversees child care centers, said the department went beyond the deadline to give the MLK center, which serves about 250 to 300 families, more opportunities to meet the requirements."

I'm glad to see another center weigh in on this article, a center that follows the law. As a former licensor I had a provider on my caseload who said to me on each visit, "Why do you let them have a license? It's not hard to follow the regulations."

The very reason that child day care licensing was enacted by the legislature in 1966 was due to a fire that killed four children.

A certain minority segment of day care providers have been flipping off the rules for years. If DEL is enforcing the laws now kudos to them. The Washington State Supreme Court ruled in July 2011 that the law that has been on the books since before 1995 is, indeed, the law. The law states that the health, safety and well-being of the child is paramount over a person thinking they have a right to a license.

If DEL will now enforce the regulations consistently and fairly then kudos to them. For that certain minority segment of providers who have been whining about the regulations for years, it is never too late to become a successful small business person. I've recommended before that folks get with your local SCORE Chapter to help you do that, get with successful business executives.

Many years ago I had an intern do a fire drill study on my caseload (I had 260 on my caseload). The random sample showed poor compliance with doing fire drills and/or doing them incorrectly. It's a mindset that must change.

Unless there is something I am missing from this story, I have to give kudos to the Department of Early Learning for enforcing the regulations.