For parents here is an example of your right to know under Washington State law regarding public records associated with the Department of Early Learning (DEL) in Washington State.
Below is information that Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) would not have on this or any child day care provider that CCRR might refer you to nor does the DEL website have this information.
I don't see any "provider notes" from 1995 to March 1997 when she was first licensed and the most recent ones regarding Laura Clarice Martin's arrest this November 2011. I've made a request about that. As well as the question of why she still has a full license according to the DEL website.
As early as 1999 an assault occurred in her home. The notes have gaps and omissions for which I have questions.
Read and see what you think.
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Provider ID: 165295
Note ID: 342365
Note 1 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: SAVAGE, JENNIFER
Telephone call from Laura Bullis. She is having some difficulty with a parent who tends to pick her child up late. Ms. Bullis has implemented a policy of $1.00 per minute for late pick ups, and this parent was very Ms. Bullis stated that this parent was very rude and angry when she picked her child up hour late and was charged $30.00. Ms. Bullis had sent out letters regarding the change in her policy, and posted signs about it in her child care facility. Ms. Bullis is concerned that the parent will retaliate with an untrue complaint. I told Ms. Bullis that I would document our conversation, so if a complaint did come through, there would be proper context to put it in.
Note ID: 342366
Note 2 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: SAVAGE, JENNIFER
Telephone call from Laura Bullis. She is preparing to renew her child care license, and she wanted to inform the Department about an issue that may come up on her husband's criminal history check. About 7 months ago, she and her husband thought they had lost a substantial amount of cash. They called the police, because they thought someone might have broken in to their house. Before the police arrived, her husband accused Ms. Bullis of taking the money. They started to fight, Ms. Bullis lunged at her husband, and he hit her "in self defence" according to Ms. Bullis. The police arrived and found the money, which had been misplaced. Ms. Bullis told the police that her husband had hit her, and he was arrested. The couple decided to start counseling, and eventually the charges were dropped. Ms. Bullis is concerned about how this will affect her license. This worker said that, chances are that the most the Department will want is a note from the counselor regarding her husband's safety around children. This worker said that the worst case scenario is that Mr. Bullis will not be allowed to be on the premises during child care hours. Ms. Bullis said that Mr. Bullis isn't on the premises during child care hours, anyway. This worker informed Ms. Bullis that Stephanie Chastain is currently the licensor for Mercer Island, but that this information will be passed on to her.
Note ID: 342364
Note 3 of 60
12:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/Home/Site Visit
Worker Making Contact: CHASTAIN, STEPHANIE, O.
There were no children in care when licensor arrived for the relicensing visit. The provider does not regularly do care on Fridays. She has a lovely Mercer Island home, somewhat small but arranged in an interesting way with several_large rooms in the back dedicated to child care. There is a great dal of equipment in the home itself, including climbers for indoor use and shelvesand_boxes of toys which are accessible to the kids. This house has several nice wide exitsdischarg ing directly to the outside including one from each room where cild care is done. Provider had all documents posted clearly at the entrance t o the home and had an abundance of outdoor play equipment and a large cemented area for the riding toys. Provider stated that very little television was watched ad that she encouraged arts and crafts over video and tv. There is no TB test on file for husband and provider does n ot have current First Aid. She is updating her CPR and First Aid on 5/1/99. Provider has taken STARS but not reorientation.She mst do all this befopre she can get a new license. Provider's husband has an Assault 4 dating from a domestic dispute last July 98. Everything was resolved. Husband went to counseling and the couple sought pastoral counseling. Provider says there was never another incident and that this was the first of its kind. See certificates from counselor's i file. I recommend that provider be relicensed when she has completed her deficiencies which are listed on the last page of her home study. She should be relicensed for 6, birth to 11 or 8, 2-11.
Note ID: 342367
Note 4 of 60
12:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/Home/Site Visit
Worker Making Contact: CHASTAIN, STEPHANIE, O.
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Spoke with this provider todsy and asked her to get the poli ce report for her husband's assault. She says__she is not su re what kind of paperwork was done on the arrest since they never pursued the case. She agreed to secure whatever docume nts she could however.__She also said that no one ws injured at the time of the complaint.
Note ID: 342368
Note 5 of 60
12:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/Home/Site Visit
Worker Making Contact: CHASTAIN, STEPHANIE, O.
I made a visit_to Laura Bullis to 1. monitor since I had not been out there in some time and 2. find out where the police report for her husband's assault was. She had told me some time ago that she was sending it. She was surprized to see me and said she had sent it in several weeks ago. I had not received it, however. She made mean other copy and we talked and looked at the childcare facility. Laura has expanded her outdoor area to include the front yard.The front is also enclosed and she has added a gate there. She had 3 children in care and one was her own. I recognized a child from C. Marshall's facility. This provider was very current on that issue and distressed at what she had read and that Cheryl called and attempted to win her support. Provider has a small house and the back 2 rooms are devoted to childcare. Her back yard is pretty small and has some equipment and her front yard increases that space and also has a small climber. Kids had pbj for lunch and had had afield trip to the carwash that morning. Laura is very concerned about the status of her license due to the assault on her husband which happened last summer. She told me the so try again and it was identical to what she had told me the first time. Her husband had accused her of taking money out of the safe. He called the police on her. In the meantime they argued and she lunged at him. He thought she was going to hit him and he slapped her. The police arrived about that time and arrested her husband. Her husband has since gone into counseling and they are active in their church and things are going very well for them,according to provider.She has also said her husband will agree to being out of the home during day care hours if necessary. He already leaves between 7 and 7:30 and the first child comes at 7. He arrives home after all the children have gone. I recommend that Laura's license be renewed and she be allowed to continue to do cc.
Note ID: 342369
Note 6 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: CHASTAIN, STEPHANIE, O.
Provider called and asked for forms. She and husband have been to counselor twice and things appear to be going very well. This counseling was part of the requirements for provider to be relicensed since husband was charged with assault 4 over a year ago. He left scratch narks on provider. Provider reports that nothing has happened since and that counseling is helpful. Sent out forms which had been requested by provider as well as a release so that counselor can release any pertinent information to our office. Provider was very agreeable to these terms.
Note ID: 342370
Note 7 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: GRAHAM, MERNIE
Unann mv to this west Mercer Is. home. Whole family was home but few dc children in attendance. Home is almost entirely given over to child care and kids have complete access to the huge array of materials. Set up in learning centers, the environment is friendly and conducive to child-initiated play, without being overwhelming. Multicultural materials are woven in as a natural part of the setting. Minor correx needed (see compliance agreemt this date)and waiver written for 10 hrs cont STARS.
Note ID: 342371
Note 8 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: GRAHAM, MERNIE
Prov called. Corrections complete. FirstAid and CPR not due until end of May. Prov will take classes, including STARS, and send certificates. Will return current correction plan with copy of fire ext. tag.
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Note ID: 342372
Note 9 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: GRAHAM, MERNIE
Lic exp:4/10/02 App Rec'd: 2/1/01; Orient: Feb 20,02; Cr Hx's:2/22/o2 - no "hits" Nicely set up home with lots of materials available for children to access on their own. Mixed age group keeps the provider quite busy. This am there was a 6 mo old baby, a quite bright 3 yo needing interactive experiences, a 2 yo with severe balance problems and a year old child arrived about 10am who likes to have lots of "holding" time. Provider stays on the move to address all these developmental needs. Provider needs extra time to complete STARS requirements and waiver was written to address this. States she has been enjoying the classes - but a recent one was just canceled due to snow. She was referred to on-line classes since she has a 7 yo of her own and her husband works evenings. She still intends to attend live classes when available on weekends. The child with the balance problem pulled over a large cabinet during re-licensing. (Correx written to attach it to the wall and referral made to seek help for this problem.) Please see correction plan this date. Licensor highly recommended ground cover under the outdoor climbers.
Note ID: 342373
Note 10 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: GRAHAM, MERNIE
Parent of 2yo mentioned in last SER called for clarification of referral. Told him I noted his child seemed to be having balance problems beyond average for his age and that it might be good to have his pediatrician refer him to an OT or PT to make sure everything was alright.
Note ID: 342374
Note 11 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: GRAHAM, MERNIE
It took several phone calls to prompt this provider to return corrections. (4/29; 5/2)
Note ID: 342375
Note 12 of 60
12:00 AM
Admin/General/Supervisory/Administrative Review
Worker Making Contact: ROALKVAM, JOEL, D.
Renewal License approved.
Note ID: 342376
Note 13 of 60
12:00 AM
Jennifer reviewed the file after receiving the file from the past licensor Mary. Laura's file was missing copies of STARS training. She had been given waivers in the past to get caught up on STARS but she had not completed the training. Jennifer sent her a letter and called her several times to discuss her situation. She was going through a difficult time in her life. She was in the process of getting a divorce. Jennifer asked her to call when her life was not so difficult. She sent Jennifer copies of what classes she had taken and a list of the classes she had signed up for on the computer. She is currently only caught up through 2000. Once she completes the classes she has signed up for she will be current through 2003.
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Note ID: 342377
Note 14 of 60
12:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/DEL Monitoring Visit
Worker Making Contact: SU, GERALDINE
Unannounced MV by Gerry Su and Malinda Ervin was made on this date. There were 6 children in care, 4 under 2 yrs. 2 children were in high chairs in the DC area and 2 children were napping in port-a-cribs in the back bedroom. There were 2 other preschool children playing quietly with interactive toys. We informed the provider that she could not have 4 children under 2 years of age. The provider stated that this occurs only on Tu, Wed., and Thurs. 2 of the children do not come on Mon. and Fri. She did say, however, that one parent of a child under 2 was flexible and she probably could work something out with that parent. We discussed her getting an assistant and gave her the information regarding assistant qualifications. The provider attempted to reach one of the parents without success. She asked that we give her time (this evening) to discuss the situation with the parents and stated that she would have a corrective plan in place immediately. The children's files were incomplete, some files had no information at all. The files, however, were by the front door when we arrived and she was planning to give them to the parents to complete. She was unable to locate her CPR/First Aid cards but stated they are current. We requested that she locate them and send us a copy. The home is very small and as a result cluttered. The provider has recently moved the inddoor play area to the room in the front of the house by the front door. The napping room is at the rear of the house. There is an abundance of toys, all age appropriate, and accessible to the children. There is a small fenced in yard, from front to back, with age appropriate toys, also. The provider was attentive to the children and the children appeared to be happy and comfortable. Compliance agreement developed. See file.
Note ID: 342378
Note 15 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: SU, GERALDINE
TC from Laura Bullis. Laura stated that she has a girl friend who is not working who is willing to be her assistant. This friend has worked at Children's so she does have her CPR and probably has her First Aid, too. She is inquiring about the HIV training and will get the Criminal History Background check done. Laura has talked with CCR and is updating her CPR/First Aid this coming Sat. 4/3/04. She will also get her Fire Extinquisher updated this Sat. CCR is sending her info. on SID and she will update her Parent Handbook to include SIDS info. She has replaced her syrup of Ipecac which had expired. This worker staffed the case with supervisor, Joel Roalkvam. The assistant must complete all the requirements and the provider will need to request an increase in capacity to 9, which will include care for 4 under 2 ys. with an assistant. Once these two components have been met and approved she can provide care to 4 children under 2 years. In the meantime, she must decrease her number to only 2 children under 2 years. TC to Laura. I explained that she cannot continue to care for more than 2 children under 2 years until her assistant has met the qualifications and her request to increase her capacity has been approved. She said she understood. It was agreed that I would mail her the forms: Background Authorization, Provider Assistant Resume and Request to Change Capacity. I told her she needs to keep a file on her assistant. She said she would do that.
Note ID: 342379
Note 16 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: Swanson, Rita, J.
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Follow up telephone call to provider. Provider has only two children under 2,with a total of 7 children enrolled at this time. One child turned 2 on April 4th, and the other child was let go. Provider stated that all children's records are now up to date and the home has been cleaned.
Note ID: 342380
Note 17 of 60
12:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/Home/Site Visit
Worker Making Contact: Swanson, Rita, J.
04/27/2004 announced site visit. This was a follow up to the monitoring visit to check on capacity. At the time of the visit there were only three children in care, with only two being under two. The home was clean organized and had an abundance of toys.
Note ID: 342382
Note 18 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: Swanson, Rita, J.
TC from provider. Provider was able to obtain both a restraining order and an anti-harassment order.
Note ID: 342381
Note 19 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: CAMIS-FAMLINK, CONVERSION, W.
Facility Complaint Record Closed
Note ID: 342383
Note 20 of 60
12:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/Facility Inspection
Worker Making Contact: Swanson, Rita, J.
This was a scheduled visit as the provider has moved to a new home. Present at this visit was this licensor, Irena Fajardo, DLR investigator and the provider. After this licensing visit was scheduled a complaint came in to both DLR and Child Care licensing. This licensor and the DLR worker decided to go out together. The provider was visibly shaken by the complaint and talked about a bitter divorce that she and her husband are going through. The complaint incident happened after child care hours and no child care children were involved. However, it was brought up that the provider had a previous DUI that was not disclosed to child care licensing. The compliance agreement that was written included having a new criminal background inquiry sent in to the BCCU unit immediately. There were ten items written on the compliance agreement in regards to licensing this new home. 1. Complete a criminal background check. 2. Send in a copy of the provider's social security card and drivers license. 3. Notify the fire department. 4. The Blood Borne pathogen plan is not written yet. 5. The parent policy needs to be updated. 6. Non-removable outlet covers need to be installed in all accessible electrical outlets. 7. The locking devise for the bathroom was not accessible. 8. The flashlight could not be found. 9. The fence is not four feet tall. 10. The Business practices are not written yet. When all compliance issues are resolved this licensor recommends licensing this home. The complaint will not be closed until DLR completes their investigation.
Note ID: 342384
Note 21 of 60
12:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/Facility Inspection
Worker Making Contact: Swanson, Rita, J.
This was a scheduled visit as the provider has moved to a new home. Present at this visit was this licensor, Irena Fajardo, DLR investigator and the provider. After this licensing visit was scheduled a complaint came in to both DLR and Child Care licensing. This licensor and the DLR worker decided to go out together. The
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provider was visibly shaken by the complaint and talked about a bitter divorce that she and her husband are going through. The complaint incident happened after child care hours and no child care children were involved. However, it was brought up that the provider had a previous DUI that was not disclosed to child care licensing. The compliance agreement that was written included having a new criminal background inquiry sent in to the BCCU unit immediately. There were ten items written on the compliance agreement in regards to licensing this new home. 1. Complete a criminal background check. 2. Send in a copy of the provider's social security card and drivers license. 3. Notify the fire department. 4. The Blood Borne pathogen plan is not written yet. 5. The parent policy needs to be updated. 6. Non-removable outlet covers need to be installed in all accessible electrical outlets. 7. The locking devise for the bathroom was not accessible. 8. The flashlight could not be found. 9. The fence is not four feet tall. 10. The Business practices are not written yet. When all compliance issues are resolved this licensor recommends licensing this home. The complaint will not be closed until DLR completes their investigation.
Note ID: 342385
Note 22 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: Swanson, Rita, J.
The provider mailed in documentation that all compliance issues have been corrected. This licensor recommends an Initial license for 8 children, when the CPR and First aid cards are sent to this licensor. The provider will mail in documentation of STARS for 2004 as soon as she completes the classes. The provider stated she will take the on-line classes this weekend.
Note ID: 342386
Note 23 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: Swanson, Rita, J.
All issues of compliance have been corrected. The provider mailed in a copy of her Social Security card. This licensor recommends a full license.
Note ID: 342387
Note 24 of 60
12:00 AM
Admin/General/Supervisory/Administrative Review
Worker Making Contact: Garrison, Mildred, M.
Approve full license for Laura Bullis.
Note ID: 342388
Note 25 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: CAMIS-FAMLINK, CONVERSION, W.
Facility Complaint Record Closed
Note ID: 342389
Note 26 of 60
12:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/DEL Monitoring Visit
Worker Making Contact: Swanson, Rita, J.
This was an unannounced monitoring visit. This home is well set up for child care with enough toys and equipment to meet the physical, developmental and cultural needs of the children in care. There were 4 children during this licensing visit. There were five items written on the compliance agreement. 1. The children's records need updating. 2. The attendance records need full signatures. 3. The CPR and First aid cards are not in the licensing file. 4. The parents have not been informed of the providers Day Care insurance status. 5. The first aid kit is not complete. All compliance issues will be resolved by October 1, 2006.
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Note ID: 342390
Note 27 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: Swanson, Rita, J.
TC from provider. Provider called to say that her divorce is now final and she has changed her last name to Martin. She will mail in documentation of this change. She also stated that she has acquired child care insurance and will be receiving the cards in the mail shortly. She will mail in copies of these when they arrive. She also gave the insurance provider my name so that she can call and confirm that insurance is in place. The insurance providers name is Julie King.
Note ID: 342391
Note 28 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This provider was phoned regarding a cancellation endorsement on her child care insurance from Western Heritage Insurance Co. This provider will check insurance and will let her parents know she currently does not have child care insurance and send that documentation to this licensor. This provider had divorced and this licensor asked that she send this licensor a copy of her drivers license for picture ID for her file. This provider does have a copy of her Social Security card with the name change and will amend her license to reflect last name change.
Note ID: 342392
Note 29 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This licensor met with this provider for a monitoring visit. This provider utilizes a deck and her back yard for outdoor play and the compliance agreement required that the slats that surround her deck be closed and under the fence as the gap could be a safety hazard for young children. The provider's fire drill was being serviced and fire drills and smoke detector checks were not documented as checked. Children's files lacked dentist information and sign in and out was not complete as one parent did not sign with a full signature and one parent had not signed the child in at all. The providers file lacked documentation of HIV/BBP training. The provider will complete training in both and provide documentation of her 20 hours of STARS. All corrections will be completed by 1/30/08.
Note ID: 342393
Note 30 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This provider was provided technical assistance by sending BB Pathogen training, information on Dental Care for Kids in King County for herself and parents of children in care. This provider provided her STARS Registration ID 773427485 so that her 20 hours of Building Blocks training could be confirmed and retrieved as a copy was sent to the provider for her own staff file. The provider stated she will be completing fencing in her deck for the safety of infants and toddlers in care and has redesigned her sign in and out sheet to elicit compliance in regard to sign in and out procedures. Once the decking fencing is completed, the provider will finish working with parent to add dentist names to children's files. The provider will complete HIV training and will complete the offered BBP training this licensor will mail today.
Note ID: 342394
Note 31 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
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This provider has returned as completing all documented issues related to the compliance agreement that was developed on 1.10.08.
Note ID: 342395
Note 32 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This licensor phoned this provider and a message was left to call back in regard to setting an appointment for renewal licensing. This provider was encouraged to set an appointment prior to the end of February.
Note ID: 342396
Note 33 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This provider completed as site visit to this home in regard to renewal licensing. The provider licenses the kitchen, living room, family room, dining room, large pantry and two bedrooms. This provider demonstrated a solid schedule of activities that include math, science and ECE activities appropriate to the children served. The interactions between this provider and the children were loving and nurturing and her methods of disciplining the toddlers were redirection and reinforcing being kind to one another even when another might be having a bad day. The children responded warmly to this provider who consistently demonstrated in many ways her compassion, humor and love of life and how she translates this into her work with small children that supports her profession as a child care provider. All toys were developmentally appropriate and in cubbies reachable by the children. The provider engaged the children in cleanup activities after free play time promoting independence and the caring for their environment. The outside play area is generally her large deck off her kitchen accessible by a large sliding door along side, a large "doggie door" children are allowed to slip in and out of as they wish. This outdoor play area is well fenced, is visible and within hearing distance to the main child care room having an abundant of varied play equipment promoting both pulling and pushing, sensorial play and large and small muscle development. During this visit, the provider held an impromptu fire drill for this licensor that demonstrated the toddlers understood the alternative method of sounding an alarm, responding quickly and demonstrated they know where to meet and what to do in case of fire. The children recently conducted a science experiment hatching ladybugs and were engrossed with the process. This provider had an abundance of good quality, diverse and culturally relevant books available and accessible to the children. The children evidenced their early reading literacy by the provider reading to them, their knowing the words by rote and being appropriately engaged in the reading process for much longer than toddlers are generally able to tolerate. The child would recite many of the words in the books that reinforced their early learning and reinforcing a love and excitement around written language through appropriate reading materials. The provider had not completed her 13 page checklist making the visit longer than necessary. A monitoring visit on 1/10/08 had been completed and this licensor confirmed the provider had completed all requested plans of correction. New issues related to children's file were that full addresses for emergency contacts were missing on two of the children's files. On the whole this provider now appears to understand the requirements in this regard. Many of the children in care had runny noses and the provider admitted they had all been ill and were on the road to recovery it seems. The provider utilized tissue to wipe children's noses and sanitized her hands, however; this provider neglected to have the children wash their hands afterwards. This licensor recommended the provider work on teaching the children to blow their own noises then wash their hands as part of the process of gaining independence and reinforcing good hygiene. The provider appeared reluctant to do so. One child was in a rocker seat and during the visit it was indicated the child sometimes "sleeps" there. The provider corrected this licensor stating she only uses the rocker to put the child to sleep then places the child in his crib. She also informed me of a list of health problems, including stated respiratory and reflux problem that makes sleeping difficult for this child that were not documented in his file. The provider will ask the parent to update the health records of this child to verify should anything happen while in care. This licensor went over SID's guidelines and WACs around sleeping children and the provider stated she would
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never sleep a child in a rocker seat. A compliance agreement was developed around this along with the provider needing locked storage for any medications on site.
Note ID: 342397
Note 34 of 60
12:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This provider returned her completed compliance agreement related to the 2/22/02 renewal licensing visit. This licensor recommends this provider's license be renewed.
Note ID: 342398
Note 35 of 60
12:00 AM
Admin/General/Supervisory/Administrative Review
Worker Making Contact: LONG, PATRICIA, D.
approved for a renewal license.
Note ID: 10071999
Note 36 of 60
04:13 PM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
A TC was received from this provider in regard to an upcoming move she plans on making which would be to a new residence in the same general area. This provider plans to be settled into her new home by 4/1/09 and would like to be re-licensed at the new address. This licensor provided technical assistance in regard to moving and asked that the Administrative Assistant, Judy P be called so that she may receive the required forms. This provider stated she will mail back required documents as soon as possible so that the transition to her new home will be seamless. This licensor will accommodate this request by promptly meeting with her at her new address on 4/1/2009 with the time TBD for her licensing inspection. This provider will also send in a BG check for her fiancée' that will be moving into the home. The provider's son is now thirteen years old and will be living in the home as well.
Note ID: 10093091
Note 37 of 60
09:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/Home/Site Visit
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This provider received an announced visit to license her home at a new address. This provider has moved into a split level home that includes the entire upper story as licensed child care space that enters directly into her back yard. The dining room and family room are combined to allow for generous play space. The provider was utilizing a hall bedroom on that floor for sleeping children, however; this licensor found that it had no rescue window and had window blinds that form a loop. The provider agreed to close the room for child care and make it totally inaccessible. The 13-page checklist was completed by the provider and the examination of the child care spaces resulted in some compliance issues. Some children's files needed more information to be complete and some did not have all of the required documentation (trip permission forms). The provider had no written evacuation plan or fire drill plan that included exit procedures in case of a fire drill. The home appeared well maintained and the living room and dining room were well set up for child care. Children in care were playing a sensory game when this licensor arrived with shaving cream and the provider has no problems with children "getting messy". She stated that some of the most fun they have had was playing out in the rain, examining mud puddles and just getting down and dirty without care. During this visit this licensor found the provider allowing children to eat a snack prior to hand washing and cleaning the table that is also used for free play and art work. The children in care appeared secure and well nurtured and during this visit, the provider demonstrated her
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program for early childhood education that includes a lot of outdoor play and imaginary play that offers the children to utilize their gross motor skills. Toys and play materials inside and out support children's active and passive play. There was an abundance of learning and play materials accessible to the children in care and they children demonstrated cooperation in cleaning up their space when asked. This provider appears to be happy working in the child care profession and the children in care related to her with trust and she returns their respect. This licensor observed the provider utilizing good supervision and clearly felt comfortable interacting with them during free play time. This was evidenced that while encouraging independacnce she also promoted appropriate interactive play. Circle time consisted of music, dance and reading along with color recognition and language skills. This provider demonstrated compliance in many areas with few excpetions noted on her compliance agreement. This licensor recommends that once this compliance agreement is returned as completed, this provider's home be fully licensed for home child care.
Note ID: 10093091
Note 38 of 60
09:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/Facility Inspection
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This provider received an announced visit to license her home at a new address. This provider has moved into a split level home that includes the entire upper story as licensed child care space that enters directly into her back yard. The dining room and family room are combined to allow for generous play space. The provider was utilizing a hall bedroom on that floor for sleeping children, however; this licensor found that it had no rescue window and had window blinds that form a loop. The provider agreed to close the room for child care and make it totally inaccessible. The 13-page checklist was completed by the provider and the examination of the child care spaces resulted in some compliance issues. Some children's files needed more information to be complete and some did not have all of the required documentation (trip permission forms). The provider had no written evacuation plan or fire drill plan that included exit procedures in case of a fire drill. The home appeared well maintained and the living room and dining room were well set up for child care. Children in care were playing a sensory game when this licensor arrived with shaving cream and the provider has no problems with children "getting messy". She stated that some of the most fun they have had was playing out in the rain, examining mud puddles and just getting down and dirty without care. During this visit this licensor found the provider allowing children to eat a snack prior to hand washing and cleaning the table that is also used for free play and art work. The children in care appeared secure and well nurtured and during this visit, the provider demonstrated her program for early childhood education that includes a lot of outdoor play and imaginary play that offers the children to utilize their gross motor skills. Toys and play materials inside and out support children's active and passive play. There was an abundance of learning and play materials accessible to the children in care and they children demonstrated cooperation in cleaning up their space when asked. This provider appears to be happy working in the child care profession and the children in care related to her with trust and she returns their respect. This licensor observed the provider utilizing good supervision and clearly felt comfortable interacting with them during free play time. This was evidenced that while encouraging independacnce she also promoted appropriate interactive play. Circle time consisted of music, dance and reading along with color recognition and language skills. This provider demonstrated compliance in many areas with few excpetions noted on her compliance agreement. This licensor recommends that once this compliance agreement is returned as completed, this provider's home be fully licensed for home child care.
Note ID: 10112495
Note 39 of 60
08:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This licensor received this provider compliance agreement showing most tasks completed as indicated by this provider however; children's files needing updating was marked in process to be completed by 4/25/2009. This licensor will verify this provider has completed this task prior to re-licensing along with clearing this provider SO to live in the home.
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Note ID: 10112491
Note 40 of 60
01:50 PM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This provider was phoned and a message was left in regard to a background for Michael Sagmoe (SO) and TB test along with file documentation of FA and CPR training. This provider was scheduled to take this training on 4/1/09. This licensor found that this provider's SO, Michael S. is listed as living in the home and for this reason, the provider will need to supply a completed background check and TB test results for this individual prior to licensing This provider background check was sent to Judy P for processing today.
Note ID: 10117395
Note 41 of 60
12:00 PM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This provider sent her updated criminal background check for processing. This provider's background was cleared today. This licensor does not have a completed TB test and background clearance to date. this providers SO, (Michael's Sagmoe's) that is living in the home.
Note ID: 10119539
Note 42 of 60
08:20 AM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This provider was contacted in regard to her SO's TB testing and Background Check. This licensor has not received a copy of the BG and has not found it as submitted to BCCU. The provider was asked to call Judy P to verify its receipt. The provider's SO will be taking his TB test on 5/11 and will have the test read and results sent to me immediately. The provider will send copies of her FA and CPR updated training documentation by mail as well.
Note ID: 10140877
Note 43 of 60
10:20 AM
Admin/General/Supervisory/Administrative Review
Worker Making Contact: LONG, PATRICIA, D.
Approved for renewal relocation license
Note ID: 10520623
Note 44 of 60
08:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/Home/Site Visit
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This licensor made a home visit to this provider's home in regard to a request for a capacity increase. This provider is due for a monitoring visit in November; therefore this licensor did not conduct a monitoring. This provider utilizes her entire first floor of her home for child care with the exception of one bedroom that is not licensable due to lack of a WAC approved exit. The provider licenses the living room, dining room and kitchen and one bedroom utilized as an additional play room. There provider has organized play spaces that include dress up and kitchen for dramatic play, reading area and room for art projects and displays them promoting self esteem and pride in their work. There is an area set up for preschool and the provider has age appropriate themes which continue until children have hands on and demonstrated appreciation for the learning and play activities associated with the themes. The provider does not utilize TV time, instead encourages free play and active play for the very young children she serves. The provider is nurturing, supportive and respectful of the children in care and demonstrated responsiveness as needed even when conversing with this licensor. The square footage supports the increase of children in care and the provider has a fully qualified staff member to
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assist her. Both the provider and staff member helped the young children develop appropriate social behaviors and self-control and respect for the rights of each other. There is a variety and quantity of age appropriate play equipment that promotes active play, development, and coordination and the children appeared well supervised at all times. The provider works well with the male staff that appears to enjoy working with the children and although nurturing and caring, does not do diapering. The reason for this is that because he is male, he feels that it would not be a good idea for their business for him to do diapering as both feel parents are more relaxed with a male caregiver that does not do diapering. The provider has accessible play materials and the entry was well gated. This licensor found well supported play materials for large and small muscle development, creative expression and sensory stimulation as well as books, beads, blocks and puzzles to support intellectual ability at their pre-k age levels. This licensor supports this provider to increase her capacity to 12 children in care.
Note ID: 10524244
Note 45 of 60
02:12 PM
Admin/General/Supervisory/Administrative Review
Worker Making Contact: LONG, PATRICIA, D.
Approved for a capacity increase
Note ID: 10530799
Note 46 of 60
11:30 AM
Inspections/Visits/DEL Monitoring Visit
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This provider received an unannounced monitoring visit today. This provider had recently received a capacity increase although the address was written as NE when the provider's home is SE. Changes will be made to change the licensing document. This provider had five files reviewed with this licensor finding full addresses missing for contacts or not the required (2) emergency contacts, lack of legal consent for medical treatment and some files lacked dentist information. This provider documented that she will complete these issues of not compliance.
Note ID: 10553141
Note 47 of 60
08:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This provider has returned her compliance agreement generated during the 8/16/2010 monitoring. No health and safety violations were present at monitoring and no re-visit is required at this time.
Note ID: 10553149
Note 48 of 60
10:00 AM
Worker Making Contact: HENDSCH, CYNTHIA, L.
This licensor noticed that the address in the computer generated license indicated and address of "SE" when it should have been "NE". Corrections were made in the data base and a new amended license will be issued with the correct address and mailed to this provider this week.
Note ID: 10719432
Note 49 of 60
08:00 AM
Contact/Law Enforcement
Worker Making Contact: PATZKE, JOY, E.
After consulting with experienced licensor, this worker contacted the Mercer Island Police to check if there were any police reports of domestic violence between provider and former boyfriend as indicated in the
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original referral. Follow up from the police indicated there were reports of DV with this provider. Please see file for documentation.
Note ID: 10720782
Note 50 of 60
03:30 PM
Inspections/Visits/Home/Site Visit
Worker Making Contact: PATZKE, JOY, E.
Unanounce visit to provider's home with her previous licensor Cynthia Hendsch to gain additional information regarding the visit to the complaint. Provider recalled the week as perticualary stressful as she is having problems with her teenage son, was not sleeping or eating, and was experiencing stress in her relationship with her partner as well as dealing with the recent unexpected death of her ex-husband. She reported that she did had not taken any additional Xanax that day but had been "feeling sick" all day. She reports that she does not remember going to the hospital just waking up there. Provider reports that she is no longer taking Xanax and has started counseling to cope with the life stressors/anxiety. Provider has also decided to quit her child care business and move to Wisconsin with her son and boyfriend. Provider denied using more than the prescribed dosage of her medication. She stated the scratches on her arm were from her cat.
Note ID: 10749555
Note 51 of 60
10:00 AM
Inspections/Visits/Home/Site Visit
Worker Making Contact: PATZKE, JOY, E.
TC with provider to check in on her stability and overall decision regarding keeping her child care open or moving to WI. Provider has graduated from therapy, is doing yoga, and is working on herself care. She has decided to stay in business and reports she is overall doing very well. This worker decided to visit and observe her and her assistant with 6 children; provider appeared to be calm, articulate, and well organized during this visit. The children were playing with play dough at the table and were well on task during the visit. Provider stated they were focused on older children, part time children, and some before and after school care. She does not plan to regularly have 12 children in care but felt there were times when there might be overlap during the summer or during school breaks. Provider completed the FLCA regarding failure to report change of circumstance regarding this complain. There were no further concerns and the provider agreed to keep DEL updated in the future on change of circumstances.
Note ID: 10770917
Note 52 of 60
04:30 PM
Worker Making Contact: THEBO, ANNA MARIE
Received community complaint. Reviewed allegations & identified issues. Noted some of the allegations were reported in complaint 827777 which was investigated 2/2011 but there may be new DV and/or police involvement w/family so all issues will be investigated again
Note ID: 10777569
Note 53 of 60
03:00 PM
Inspections/Visits/DEL Complaint Inspection
Worker Making Contact: THEBO, ANNA MARIE
Completed unscheduled site visit for complaint assessment. The provider and her asst. were present w/8 children in care, 3 were under the age of 2 yrs. old. Some parents were arriving to pick up their children during the visit. This allowed this licensor to observe the transition out; parents did utilize sign in & out forms correctly. Explained the purpose for the visit, the provider stated that the complaint was already closed. Explained that a different intake was received even though many of the allegations are similar.
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The provider stated that since she got home from Overlake Hospital she feels empowered, and has taken control of her life. She stated she called the police on her own son when she got home and found him smoking pot w/a friend. The provider stated the son has completed a diversion which includes counseling. The provider gave this licensor a document from Youth East side Services which verifies the youth diversion services contract, the provider stated she will have his counselor write a statement. This licensor gave the provider a BCCU form for the son and showed her the correct way to complete it. Agreed to stop by and pick up the form the next day. Also explained the need for current TB test results. This licensor was able to inspect the licenses areas and found the home to be clean & well kept. The outside play area was also well kept, the lawn was mowed & trimmed, and spring flowers have been planted. There was no trash or glass noted in the yard. The provider stated she thought maybe the mother of the other boy that was turned in w/her son complained as the mom got mad at the provider, when she called the police on the boys. This licensor explained that the referent is not at issue, as this complaint came in anonymously. Agreed to come back the next day as more parents arrived to pick up their children.
Note ID: 10777585
Note 54 of 60
12:30 PM
Inspections/Visits/DEL Complaint Inspection
Worker Making Contact: THEBO, ANNA MARIE
Arrived for unscheduled site visit to follow up w/provider. The provider & her asst. were present w/9 children in care, 3 were under the age of 2 yrs. old. All children were having lunch at the child sized table in the main room. The provider gave this licensor the completed BCCU form for her son. This licensor explained that if BCCU shows any disqualifying info I will contact her to discuss options. Used this time to explain reporting mandates and the issues regarding failure to report. Reminded provider to obtain recent TB for son, she stated she would call his doctor, as the son went on a class trip and she thinks he has a current test results. The provider also stated she has a call into their counselor, but has not heard back yet. Provider will continue to gather documents and send them into DEL next week
Note ID: 10787562
Note 55 of 60
03:00 PM
Worker Making Contact: THEBO, ANNA MARIE
Staffed info received as of this date, with this licensors supervisor. The supervisor felt there was no need to contact Mercer Island PD again, as their report is in the DEL file from when similar allegations were assessed in a complaint rec'd 02/2011. Agreed complaint is ready to be closed w/no valid allegations.
Note ID: 10787656
Note 56 of 60
04:26 PM
Admin/General/Supervisory/Administrative Review
Worker Making Contact: LONG, PATRICIA, D.
Reviewed complaint inspection. Provider is proactive in dealing with setbacks. Concur with licensor findings.
Note ID: 10801450
Note 57 of
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02:31 PM
Admin/General/Supervisory/Administrative Review
Worker Making Contact: LONG, PATRICIA, D.
Reviewed complaint inspection. Provider's son had not been cleared. Finding is valid for failing to insure provider's son has been cleard.
Note ID: 10933769
Note 58 of 60
10:20 AM
Worker Making Contact: THEBO, ANNA MARIE
Received intake referral, reviewed allegations and identified issues in complaint. This licensor had taken a call from this man earlier in this week, when he called asking for info on other providers on Mercer Island. After providing him with the names and phone numbers of every home provider on Mercer Island and info on the various centers, this licensor had asked the man why his son was leaving the child care. The man stated it was due to a capacity issue, and stated he was not upset at all. He then went onto state that this child has been diagnosed as autistic. We discussed the different environments he could expect to see at some of the centers, and homes and then the call was ended. This licensor will follow up with another call to this man to discuss more of the details. One of the other allegations in this complaint is related to capacity but the allegations clearly state that there were 2 staff present with 10 children. This would be within the providers licensed capacity, but will follow up to ensure the capacity for infants met capacity.
Note ID: 10942965
Note 59 of 60
12:15 PM
Worker Making Contact: THEBO, ANNA MARIE
Called to speak with referent on this complaint. The man who answered the phone and identified himself as the referent had a thick Russian accent. The man who this licensor spoke with the other day, who had verbalized concerns about this child care is not the same person as this referent as this licensor had thought. The referent this date, stated he wanted to book an apt. to meet with this licensor, to address all issues. He stated he was at a mall this date with his family and it was not a good time to talk. This licensor gave him my email address, per his request, and he will email me to set up a time next week to meet.
Note ID: 10947211
Note 60 of 60
02:07 PM
Worker Making Contact: THEBO, ANNA MARIE
Received an email from the referent on this case. This licensor scheduled an apt. with the referent to meet at the Bellevue DEL office on Wed. 11/2/11 to discuss the allegations. The referent called this licensor later in the date to discuss where it would be best to meet. In that conversation it became apparent to this licensor that this was not the same man with the autistic child, that this licensor had spoken to a few weeks ago, but this is a different dad enrolled at the child care.
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