Friday, July 11, 2008

Child Care Rules, Unions and their Use of Language

Parents will want to have some beginning information to consider how and why a union is involved with their child care decisions.

SEIU's (Service Employee International Union) winning streak of sticking a needle in the arm of taxpayers and pumping out funds endlessly ended in May/June 2008.

SEIU stuck the needle in the taxpayer through the family home and in-home child care providers two years previously with what euphemistically was called "collective bargaining".

Creatively, they used language to create the impression that 10,000 providers wanted that "unionizing". The number was closer to 2,000. Big difference, ey?

Now a "Negotiated Rule Making" process has been painfully going on for at least two years (I'll have to check my dates). A process that at the most takes a year keeps stretching out. It's simply a process to review and up-date regulations for "the healthy, safety and the well-being" of your child in licensed care while you work.

It's a public meeting but has been run more like a private club.

Even their own SEIU members are not told that it is a public meeting. They don't even ask for the rank and file members to weigh, not even those 2,000.

SEIU announces today on their website about the August 9, 2008 Negotiated Rule Making Meeting and then wrote:

"Open to elected Negotiated Rule Making members."

It's open to the public but SEIU hides this lawful fact from their own rank and file.

Then on another page of the SEIU website today:

"Help us hold our elected officials accountable! If they've made promises to our members and broken those promises, there will be consequences!

Join us at 9 AM (on August 17, 2008) (ends by 1 PM) for snacks & training - locations around the state to be announced soon; please hold the date!"

It now appears that SEIU using money pumped out of taxpayers' veins plan to attack the senators and state representatives for stopping the blood letting.

Meanwhile it has been thoroughly documented of SEIU's verbal and written attacks against the lone parent voice on the Negotiated Rule Making committee.

These actions by SEI in my observations and opinion have little to do with the "health, safety and well-being of the child in licensed care."

As the targeting and attacks unfold this blog will post the information as to which senators and representatives are being targeted.

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