Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Is the Governor's Child Care Licensing Agency Schmoozing the Media?

Is the media critically thinking through what the government feeds them for a story? What is the media's responsibility to carefully review information before going with the story?

King 5 reported this week that parents are now better informed that transparency has been improved as the child care licensing agency DEL (The Department of Early Learning) now scans in the "Facility Licensing Compliance Agreements" into their website.

The most vital information the Governor's office (its Christine Gregoire's agency now) does not give are the child protective services (CPS) investigations.

Most important for parents to know is that the department has allowed providers and facilities with "founded" CPS charges to keep their licenses.

The parent will not find "CPS" information on the Governor's child care licensing website.

The website even tells you that.

Additionally, in direct violation of law (RCW) the parent is not notified of the licensed child care providers and facilities that are currently in denial, suspension or revocation action.

Parents will not find the names child care providers or facilities who had their licenses denied, revoked or suspended.

Both of those are required by law.

Some parents could be using these providers (who sometimes continue to then provide unlicensed care).

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