Anyone remember Michael Milken? The Junk Bond king? Who went to prison?
Michael Milken's been into the
daycare business big time for quite some time. From an articles written
by Kenneth J. Saltman in 2003:
"In the 1980s Michael Milken was sent to prison for his illicit
financial dealings - fraud and insider trading.
However, even his legal activities in the junk
bond market were destructive to companies, to
retirees, and to the general public.
He was a major factor in the
Savings and Loan collapse that cost the public
billions. He invented the junk bond market and
promoted its use in hostile corporate takeovers
that destroyed businesses, labor unions, and job security while
enriching a tiny corporate elite."
Also from Saltman's article:
"Wall Street considers the "early-childhood" market to be a $30 billion opportunity for corporations."
Remember in the Robert Redford film All the President's Men when Deep Throat (Mark Feldt) told newspaper investigative reporter Bob Woodward, "Follow the money."?
It's a billion, billion, billion dollar business where the greedy want your children younger and younger to warehouse them in institutional settings for the benefit of their love of money.
These institutional settings are hurting our children, our families and our country. The few pockets of good can not out weigh the harm.
Something to think about and observe if you have children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews in day care settings. If you see something wrong, speak up immediately and speak up to others. Shine the light.
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