Wednesday, March 21, 2012

DSHS & State of Georgia paid day cares that failed to meet standards  |

Like in Washington State with the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), Georgia has also paid out millions to child day care providers, providers who were out of compliance as well as where children were badly treated.

State paid day cares that failed to meet standards  |

From the Atlanta article:

"In all, at least 17 percent of the $2 billion handed out by the state — nearly one out of every five dollars — went to day cares that the state determined fell short on health and safety. Of that money, at least $230 million went to day care programs that had been deemed non-compliant multiple times, the investigation shows."

And like in Washington State the child care licensing arm of the government had no communication with  the giving out money through the subsidy portion of the government.

The newspaper did an in depth investigation through getting state records and found:

"Combined data:
"559: Non-compliant day cares that received both subsidies

  33: Non-compliant day cares that received more than $1 million from one or both subsidy programs"

Why does the media have to do these investigations?  In the State of Washington, the State Auditor should have been doing this; did not and has not.

 Thanks to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for doing this investigation. From my experience these problems exist across the nation.

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