Thursday, February 2, 2012

Department of Early Learning Complies with RCW 43.215.370 & Posts Child Day Care Licenses Which Have been Revoked, Suspended or Denied

I have been writing on my website and blog since 2007 about the Department of Early Learning's (DEL) failure to comply with a law passed by the legislature that year. 

The example I linked is the licensed day care provider who murdered fourteen month old Charlotte Wetzel.

At least the ones I am familiar with seem to be on the DEL website including the Edith Goetz licensed day care where seven month old Jesse Hunt was the day he died.

I published on December 30, 2011 DSHS SECRETS - JESSE HUNT 1994 on to tell parents and the public some of the secrets I saw as the 20 year insider and whistle blower on DSHS.  Jesse Hunt started my journey when I met his mom, Michelle Hunt. It has been important to all the moms and dads whose children were maimed and/or killed to let other parents know so other parents could protect their own children.

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DSHS SECRETS - JESSE HUNT 1994 [Kindle Edition]

Margo Logan , Delle Jacobs , Michelle Hunt

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As the insider I know that suspended, revoked or denied child day care providers kept on providing care thus the reason your citizen legislature passed this law. With the maiming of  nine month Colby Thompson in unlicensed care the Colby Thompson Act was passed last year on that risk to children; and posting of some of those sites is now a must because of your citizen legislature stepping forward.

If all are now listed I would certainly like to thank the person and/or persons who directed DEL to obey the law.  Or perhaps Director Betty Hyde gave the order. I've always said I am willing to give kudos where the government serves, we the people.  It may be once again I thank the legislature themselves for getting the department to comply with the law.  So a thank you to...

Here's what the site looks like

Child Care Check

Doing Business As Robin Johnson
Data current as of 02/01/2012

This provider is no longer a licensed provider. DEL has made the decision to not show any complaints for closed providers.
Read the Child Care Check FAQs.
At any time, you may Leave feedback on your Child Care Check experience.
To report suspected or known child abuse or neglect, or for any licensing
complaints, call 866-END-HARM (363-4276)

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