FHCC_final_ annotated_111411.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Betty Hyde, girl, you did good here. And others working on this for seven years, however, this could not have happened without the highest up manager obeying the laws of the State of Washington so this morning, the You go Girl goes to, you, Betty Hyde.
For the parents and public out there this is the final family home child day care regulations that will go into effect in March 2012 (seven long years after the last revision). It is 92 pages long.
I recommend potential day care applicants (and current day care providers stumbling to get with your local SCORE (Service Core of Retired Executives) Chapter to help you become that small business person who will have success. You can get a mentor for no expense to help you utilize these regulations to write up your business plan. All folks being entrepreneurs and small business people are helped by writing your business plan.
Government social workers have no knowledge on being a successful small business person. Then you will help the child day profession be high class, high quality and keep the children safe, healthy and happy while their parents are at work.
Department of Early Learning...Betty Hyde your agency did good on this one:
WAC 170-296A-1525 Change in circumstances. (1) The licensee must report the following changes in the licensee's circumstances to the department within twenty-four hours, including:
(a) Household members, including individuals age sixteen or older moving into or out of the home;
(b) Fire or other structural damage to the licensed child care space or other parts of the premises; or
(c) Prior to making structural changes to the licensed space or changing licensed space usage. An updated floor plan must be submitted and approved by the department.
(2) Within twenty-four hours after a licensee becomes aware of a charge or conviction involving (a) the licensee; (b) a staff person; or (c) a household member, and the charge or conviction is a disqualifying crime under WAC 170-06-0120, the licensee must report to the department the fact that there is a charge or conviction involving a disqualifying crime against the licensee, staff person, or a household member.
(3) Within twenty-four hours after a licensee becomes aware of an allegation or finding made against (a) the licensee; (b) a staff person; or (c) a household member involving the abuse or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult, the licensee must report to the department the fact that there is an allegation of abuse or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult made against the licensee, staff person or household member.
Now your goal...DEL's goal would be to walk the talk, doing it fairly and consistently.
This is a big one in (bolding mine) terms of the intent of RCW 43.215 that the heath, safety and well-being of the child is paramount over a person thinking they have a right to get a child day care license. The Washington State Court confirmed that in July this year in the Hardee vs DSHS case.
RCW 74.15 was clarified in 1995 about the law to protect children when the legislature added the "intent" language then all the unelected bureaucratic managers went back to disobeying the law. Now in the writing of this WAC you've clarified it for the applicant and current licensed child day care provider.
Betty Hyde, you did good here. This clarification is supremely important to keeping children in licensed child day care protected. Now to the implementation of that.
A heartfelt thank you this morning.
And to the legislature, here is a unelected bureaucratic manager who obeyed the law you passed in 1995. Sixteen years ago.
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