Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day Care - Russian Roulette - Too Many Children - Children not Supervised

As a former day care licensor, in my witnessing, overcapacity and leaving children unattended is a big issue my managers ignored.

At times I was directly ordered not to check on day cares with a violation history of having too many children. One I've written about before had 21 children by herself. The law and her license required the day care provider could only have 12 with an assistant.

This article gives some examples in Massachusetts of unattended children in day care.

Unattended children a common nightmare -

Getting the truth out to parents is one important means to bring the spotlight to this problem. Parents are not being given the information they need to make decisions on where to put their children while they go to work.

Rather than revoking licenses too many times states have allowed day cares to continue in operation until a child dies ... then they revoke.

Citizen legislators passed child protection laws for a reason and government managers have ignored those laws too many times.

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