Monday, November 9, 2009

From Candi Doran re: Colleen Hill and Senator Hobbs

Dear Colleagues, Friends and Family:

On October 29th this year a dear friend of mine, Colleen Hill, passed away at the vibrant age of 41. Colleen was a loving wife, mother of 2, small business owner, child care provider and public servant. She tirelessly campaigned for child care providers and open honest government.

During the legislative sessions of 2007 and 2008, Colleen was instrumental in defeating the Service Employees International Union, SEIU an ACORN associated organization, and their ill-conceived “collective bargaining” agenda for child care employees; a modern day David v.s. Goliath story. Senator Steve Hobbs was Colleen’s invaluable ally in that successful effort.

Senator Hobbs was elected to the Washington State Senate in 2006. He serves as the vice chair of the Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee, sits on the Ways and Means Committee and he is a very important member and voice of reason on the Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee.

In addition to representing the people of the 44th district and all Washington citizens, Senator Hobbs also serves as a Captain in the Washington Army National Guard and courageously served in Iraq and Kosovo.

Raised by a single mother, Senator Hobbs was taught to always value education. In 1994 he earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Washington.

After SEIU’s stunning defeat they vowed to run their candidate against Senator Hobbs. SEIU has millions to spend on campaigns and usually resorts to the most aggressive tactics to intimidate sitting electeds to act or to impugn them so that they are replaced with more compliant politicians.

Senator Hobbs is one of us, a man of the people. He has refused to be “bought” by any special interest group. Consequently, it will require the investment and efforts of 1000’s to confront and defeat this SEIU juggernaut.

Time is short, the need is great and the goal is laudable. Please give what you can $20, $50, $100 to one of the “good guys” in politics. Checks must be received by December 10th. Please make your check out to: “Committee to reelect Steve Hobbs”. When you write the check it would be wonderful if you could note “Colleen Hill” on your donation. Send checks to Candida C. Doran, 823 2nd St., Mukilteo, WA 98275.

Our communities, our state and our nation are at a “tipping point." We no longer have the luxury of complacency. The American people are again finding their voice. Please make your voice heard for Senator Hobbs, an American hero and a true public servant.

Please forward this to letter to all child care providers, small business owners and all concerned citizens.

Candida Doran
Little Orca Learning Center
823 2nd St.
Mukilteo, WA 98275
(425) 347-6722

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