In following the story of the SEIU, the realization came to me of the difficulties parents have in having to work; and their commitment and desire to take care of their children comes to me. With the burdens of family life when do you get to research the behind the scenes nuances of government?
It took awhile for me to sort out the pieces, the research and the information about SEIU juxtaposed to the information I grew up with as to what unions met in the lives of workers. The two didn't match and that initially caused me dissonance. The truth will set you free goes the saying; and so it does.
SEIU and Illinois Governor Blagojevich go way back now to at least 2003. President Obama comes out of Illinois politics, he supported Blagojevich in running for governor. Looks like Blagojevich did the loopty loop. Anointed SEIU to come on in helped give $450 million of taxpayer money to contracts and $11 million of that went directly to SEIU; then SEIU gave back to Blagojevich $1.2 million dollars. $1.2 million dollars of taxpayers money.
So the loopty-loop has also happened in Washington state. Now what will President Obama do? I believe the weight of history and his words for over two years has to have a spiritual factor. That talking the talk for two years can end up walking the walk. President Obama has heavily studied President Lincoln. Much is at stake here in our country.
President Obama did go out of his way to encourage the Illinois legislature to override Blagojevich's veto on the ethics law; and they did. If there is one thing about the president's cultural heritage, I imagine, might be most compelling, is a repulsion of the idea of anyone thinking that they have bought him.
It can play out in the best interests of the citizens of this country if we can get the information out. Because of Illinois, because of Blagojevich and because of President Obama SEIU has been exposed.
We want honesty and integrity in all our pubic servants whether they are elected or are in the bureaucracy of government. We want Democrats, Republicans and Independents working together for the greater good. People are basically good; and will rise to that goodness when encouraged.
From my take senators and representatives love to hear from. and have their constituents drop by; much more than they like to hear from special interests.
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