Dear Parents in Washington State,
What the new president promises and what we will witness is a high standard of ethics and transparency in government. That all parties will work together for the greater good of the citizens of this country.
That is what we expect to witness. We support all the senators and representatives who also hold in their hearts and in their actions that high standard of ethics and transparency in government.
House Bill 1329 (Commerce and Labor Committee) will take public testimony at 10 am on January 27, 2009 in Olympia in the John L. O'Brien Building.
It is an SEIU bill. Service Employees International Union. The SEIU named the bill "collective bargaining". In my research and opinion it is not collective bargaining. It is not a bill for parents nor for the protection of their children in licensed day care.
From my research and read...through these types of bills... SEIU has amassed great amounts of taxpayer money which in turn is contributed to elected officials and the two parties to put pressure on them to vote the way SEIU wants.
The Family Home Child Care Provider bill that SEIU got passed in 2006 resulted in only about 2000 out of 10,000 in-home and family day care providers voting that they wanted SEIU in their lives. But because of the bill that passed.... SEIU is in their lives whether they like it or not.
SEIU has dumped tremendous amounts of taxpayer dollars back to the two parties; and the most recent go around was to the Democratic party. They dumped millions into Barack Obama's campaign. I suspect the new president will demonstrate integrity; and will not consider himself "bought" by SEIU; and if that is so I will be jumping around with delight. I didn't vote for President Obama but every ethical and transparent step he takes my heart will soar with the possibilities of what this country can honorably achieve.
I am not a scholar of the whole history of unions, but from my read in many cases the original intent of unions has changed so much I have to reflect on what is really going on.
The new president says we all will work together for the common good Democrats, Republicans and Independents.
I'll be testifying tomorrow and visiting around the Capitol to see how this legislative session is beginning.
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