Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day Care Provider passed out in van with little ones

Yacolt Family Home Child Care provider was passed out in her mini-van with 2 day care children one 2 years old, the other 16 months old.

Sheila Michalios was cited in July 2010 for violation regarding the WAC related to alcohol. She also had a valid complaint regarding violations related to her business records.

King 5 posted the story. See their link below for full story.

"Posted on October 30, 2010 at 1:29 PM by King 5 News:

Updated today at 1:30 PM

BATTLE GROUND, Wash. -- A Yacolt, Wash. day care provider was arrested Friday after police said she passed out while two children were in a minivan with her.

Battle Ground Police said officers found Sheila Michalios, 45, unconscious in her minivan at around 5:45 p.m. in the 500 block of E. Main Street and was unable to care for the two small children who were with her. The children -- a 2-year-old boy and his 16-month-old sister -- were in their car seats, but they weren't properly buckled in. Police found open alcohol containers in the minivan and said Michalios smelled of beer.

I'm blogging about it now because the Department of Early Learning when they move to revoke a license takes the provider's name off their website in violation of RCW to inform parents.

I'm copying it in here if they move to revoke this license so parents will not be prevented from having the public information that is the right of the citizens of Washington state to have.

There could be other complaints, the DEL website only identifies complaints AFTER JULY 25, 2005.

Copied below is the information available off the Department of Early Learning (DEL) website, today, October 30, 2010.

"We found 1 result for Michalios in Clark county


YACOLT, WA 98675 1 Valid Complaint
(after 7/24/2005) View History

MICHALIOS SHEILA Data current as of 10/29/2010
YACOLT, WA 98675

Provider ID 272595 Licensed Capacity 12 children
Facility Type Family Home Provider Ages Served From birth To 11 years
Initial License Date 8/16/2003 Current License Status Fully Licensed
Last Renewal Date 4/7/2008 DEL Licensor Irene Higgins
License Expires 4/6/2011 DEL Licensor Phone 360.501.2645

Complaint ID# Issue Type(s) WAC # Valid Issues Complaint Resolution
754614 Business
WAC covers multiple complaint issues 170-296-0520
170-296-0780 2 Valid Issues Resolved on: 07/21/2010

Child Care Check posts any valid complaints from July 24, 2005 until the current day.

With Child Care Check, you can view the following information on any provider you find:

* Basic licensing information such as how long a provider has been licensed and how many children they can care for.
* Valid licensing complaints from July 24, 2005 to today.

Complaints do not always represent the entire picture of a provider. For more information about a specific child care provider, including detailed information about a valid complaint, you can:

* Call the Department of Early Learning toll-free at 1.866.48.CHECK (24325) and choose option 3.
* E-mail

Read the Child Care Check FAQs.

At any time, you may Leave feedback on your Child Care Check experience.
To report suspected or known child abuse or neglect, or for
any licensing complaints, call 866-END-HARM (866-363-4276)"